Chapter 5; Plans

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2013, January 14-21st

In between those days, Cyru's popularity went up. And Rowan's popularity dropped. Mostly because of the rumors and the leaked audio, that was spread around by Cyru.

_Rowan's pov_

Rowan is very mad at Cyru at this time. He didn't understand why Cyru did all of this. He wanted to make Cyru taste his own medicine. Because the fact that Cyru pretty much ruined his school life. He made a plan and involved someone to participate in the plan that someone is “Quinn Rye.“. He specifically picked her because they used to be childhood friends. And still are friends (?).


So when Rowan told the plan to take down Cyru to Quinn…

Rowan:” And yeah, that's all you gotta do Quinn. Understand?“ Rowan said to Quinn. Making sure that she understood.

Quinn:” Yeah, sure. I get it.“ Quinn said to Rowan.

Rowan:” You promise not to tell Cyru right? I want him to be at his knees. Begging me for forgiveness and mercy. “ Rowan said to Quinn.

Quinn:” Ew..Don't say that ever again.. That was so cringe..But okay. “ Quinn said, trying not to act skeptical nor suspicious. After a while of talking, Quinn left Rowan's house and whilst she walks away, she pulls out her phone to text someone. And that someone is Cyru.

_Quinn's and Cyru's pov (through text)_

Quinn:”Cyru, Rowan told me that He was planning to do something so that your popularity will drop. And let me tell you what, it's NOT good. “ Quinn texted Cyru.

Cyru:” What'd he say? “ Cyru texted back to Quinn

Quinn:” I'm way too lazy to type, so call me. “ Quinn texted and then called Cyru. Talking about Rowan's plans and further details about it. Cyru listened to every word. Making sure he understood Quinn's words. After an hour of talking through the phone, Cyru knew how he could avoid this or how he could handle this.

Cyru:” Basically, he'll do exactly my plan but “way worse”? That dude has no originality..“ Cyru said to Quinn on the phone.

Quinn:” For real, though, i hope you have a plan.“ Quinn said to Cyru, hoping he knows how to handle this situation.

Cyru:” I do have a plan, whilst you were talking. I was making a whole plan, so don't even worry about it.“ Cyru said, sounding confident about his plan to destroy Rowan's plan.

Quinn:” Ahh..Okay, well then good luck, I'll be going now.“ Quinn said to Cyru as she hangs up the phone and puts it back into her purse. And walks away from Rowan's house.

_Cyru's pov_

As Quinn hung up, he plugged his phone into his charger. As he was doing this. He wondered how their relationship got this messy. Was it his fault or Rowan's fault? Might be both or neither. But Cyru didn't think that throughly. His focus immediately shifted to Rowan's plan of deducting his popularity and fame. Because Rowan wanted his place back in the school


If Cyru accepted to give Rowan and His friends the sandbox, non of this could've happened. But Cyru was a stuborn child back then. Maybe that's the reason? Or is there more to it? Cyru wasn't thinking clearly about this whole mess, the fact that his mind immediately shifted to another topic is quite concerning. Is he trying to ignore the past?

Cyru:” How'd we get here?..Is it my fault or his..I don't really know anymore.“ Cyru said to himself. “Why should i care about that? I should be worrying about Rowan's plan of taking me down. “ Cyru added. And began to plot further about his plan so Rowan's plan would Backfire.

He went to get his notebook, and started plotting. Though he said that he has a whole plan ready when Quinn was explaining Rowan's plan to him, he was still unsure about his recent plan. He decided to remake a new one. There was just a matter of time though, he really hoped that Rowan would forget about this plan since he was overthinking. Because what if it fails?..

Cyru:” Ugh..Rowan.. Why do you have to make everything difficult? This plan better works..Or else i have to hope that his plan will just backfire on its own. He could possibly forget about his plan though..“ Cyru thought to himself. Being unsure. And a bit worried, but he tried to encourage himself that everything will be fine. “Possibly..“ He added..But he was sure that this was all just a phase and the both of them would actually be frenemies eventually.




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