Chapter 6: Taking Actions

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2013, January 23rd

It was the day that Rowan was gonna do his plan to take down Cyru and regain his popularity. He called Quinn to an empty room in the school, to get ready the plan they had prepared.

_Rowan's pov_

Rowan:” Are you ready Quinn? I'm sure Cyru won't see this coming.“ Rowan said to Quinn. Confident that their plan will work.

Quinn:” Yeah, I'm ready… I bet Cyru totally won't see this coming.“ Quinn said to Rowan, nervous if Cyru actually has a plan. Cause if he didn't have a plan, Rowan's plan would be successful.

Rowan:” Quinn, are you okay? Why are you acting weird? “ Rowan asked Quinn, getting suspicious of her.

Quinn:” Eh?… Oh no, I'm fine. Just really excited to see Cyru begging for mercy..“ Quinn said, trying not to act skeptical.

Rowan:”Right.. Anyway, the first students we're going to tell it to, are the gossipers. “ Rowan said to Quinn

Quinn:” What and who are these “gossipers”?“ Quinn asked, genuinely curious on who these are.

Rowan:” You don't know? The girls that love to gossip and spread around info..Geez, you're stupid as hell.“ Rowan said to Quinn as he crosses he arms.

Quinn:” I was just asking, rude much? Let's just do the plan.“ Quinn said Rowan as she steps out of the empty room.

They then went and tried to find those girls who like to gossip. When Quinn and Rowan went to the lockers, they finally found the “gossipers”. They approached them and began talking. There were 3 girls and a guy, which they cannot figure out who because he was facing the other way and is wearing a hoodie.

Quinn and Rowan then went and told the supposed to be rumors to the girls.

?:”Oh really? I did that?“ The person in the hoodie asked.

Rowan:” That voice is oddly familiar.. Could it be?..“ Rowan thought to himself, he knew that the voice is familiar but cannot recall who it is.

Cyru:” I really can't believe you did my trick. Try to be original next time okay? And also, you won't regain your popularity if you do that.“ Cyru said to Rowan, suddenly changing his demeanor.

Rowan:” Motherfucker..Why do you have to exist.“ Rowan mumbled. “ Let's get out of here, Quinn. “ Rowan said to Quinn as he left.

Quinn:” Well that was lame..“ Quinn said to Cyru, kinda disappointed in what she saw.

Cyru:” Shut up, at least it worked.“ Cyru said to Quinn, sarcastically.

:”You act like we don't exist. Also when are you gonna give us the money?“ One of the girls asked, they were waiting for their payment of Cyru after doing this Act.

Cyru:” I'll give it to you tomorrow, not today. So be patient will you?“ Cyru said to them.m, getting kinda annoyed but brushed it off.

Quinn:” Anyway, i should be going now. Bye Cyru “ Quinn said to Cyru whilst she waved bye.

Cyru and the others were talking for a bit and eventually went their separate ways. Cyru took off his hood and began to search through his phone.

Cyru:” I never intended this Rowan. You're making things difficult. This doesn't make sense.“ Cyru said to himself. “You know what?..I may have a plan that could work..“ Cyru said, smirking to himself. Wanting to rebuild and restart his relationship with Rowan.

Cyru planned and planned about what to do, until he finally had the final plan made. He really hoped this would work, and that Rowan would be patient about this.


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