Glimpse of Us

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Saw this on Twitter

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Saw this on Twitter. Kinda like it tbh.
Kinda hot too, but I have limits. This story has enough love interests already 😨

Anyways, this chapter took a while for a large majority of reasons, one of the reasons is I wanted to start drawing more art for this story, and honestly, I was getting a lot of results that I fucking despised and tossed out, none of which will ever see the light of day.
There is also an official design for Jack, (Y/N)'s imp disguise, now, one that I actually made myself, which you will definitely see in the end of chapter Author's Note (this is an apology letter btw, not an Author's Note), but I have yet to make a Character sheet for it, same with (Y/N) actually but you already know what he actually looks like now. If you somehow haven't noticed at this point, the male reader thing is in place to attract readers, which is why the (Y/N) is literally just an OC. I wanted to write a normal oc story, but no one would fucking read it if I did that, and I need people to read and criticize my shit so I can get better at writing.
Anyway, enough ranting about how several hundred of my followers are literally following me for no reason and never interact with me or my stories ever and onto this hot garbage
Love or hate the direction this story goes, this is what I'm writing, and if you don't like it, tell me in the comments and let's get a discussion going 🌝

"... Y'know, we could just... Not go back to the tower." Angel said, giving (Y/N) a mischievous side eye.

(Y/N), who was busy looking down at the ground contemplatively as they walked, looked up in the confusion. "... Huh?" He scratched the back of his neck, tucking his clipboard under his arm after realizing he really didn't need it. "... Is that... Is that a good idea..?"

"No, but it's a better idea than just walking to the moth, eh?" Angel shrugged, smirking. He pulled his phone out and began tapping out a number.

".. Yeah, you have a point. But, uh.." (Y/N) pulled his own phone out, noticing that he had a few texts. All of them were from Velvette, apart from one which was from Adam, the most recent one.

Curious, (Y/N) tapped the one from Adam.

'Hey bud, Emily has been requesting an audience with you for the last week. I don't know if you check your mailbox at all, but head to the Seraphim Tower when you get the chance. Also, don't be doing anything stupid down there, I know someone keeps an eye on travel between Heaven and Hell. I'm not sure who, but whoever it is, make sure you're discreet with your shit, y'know? Anyway, love you buddy, I got some new arrivals to entertain. Sera's orders 🙄'

(Y/N) snickered quietly, closing the text from Adam. Sera is always making Adam do stupid shit, like that one time she made him be a substitute teacher for a group of angel children a few years ago. That really backfired on her; Adam got carried away and turned the kids into a massive rock band. It was kind of impressive honestly. Really pissed Sera off though.
Also, a meeting with Emily..? He should probably get around to that tomorrow at the earliest. What could she want? Not that he was really complaining, it's just odd that she asked for him.

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