Chapter 2 ~ suspicion ~

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Niran was waiting for his grandmother who's flight had landed fifteen minutes ago, he looked at his watch then pinched the front of his shirt and wafted it a few times to let some air inside, it was such a hot day.

He kept glancing at the arrival's exit then looking around until he spotted her walking through and waving at him, a happy glow on her face as she spoke to a young man beside her who was pushing a trolley.

The man looked at him, a small smile playing on his lips and such inviting lips they were too.

After his grandmother had said a few words in greeting the man introduced himself as Anurak Apattachin then took his case from the trolley and after excusing himself he began to walk away.

Niran had called him back and offered to compensate him financially for helping his grandmother until the man had refused looking slightly offended then he had changed tactics and offered the man a ride home which he had declined.

When Niran had offered him dinner he was sure that the man would accept but again, he declined, it seemed that the guy couldn't get away fast enough and Niran was frustrated. Not to worry, he had a name so he could easily find the guy and orchestrate another meeting, he was too cute to ignore.

They hadn't got very far away from the airport when his grandmother had become overwrought after discovering that her diamond bracelet, a family heirloom was missing from her wrist and they had rushed back to the airport and Niran had hurried inside only to find that the cleaners had already finished cleaning inside the plane and they hadn't found anything.

He had left his details at the front desk just in case but he suspected that his grandmother's new best friend might have something to do with it. She had said he had helped her with her seat belt, plenty of opportunity for a seasoned pickpocket to unclasp a bracelet.

No wonder he had been in such a hurry to leave, so he thought he could get away with stealing from his family? Niran was going to show him that he wasn't a man to be trifled with. He had called an investigator whom he had used before, give him a few hours and he would be knocking on that punks door, and to think he had been considering romancing the guy.

Anurak dragged his tired ass up to his condo' and after unlocking the door he trudged through before kicking off his shoes and dumping his luggage in the entrance, he would unpack later.

First stop was the bathroom for a refreshing shower and when he was finished he wrapped a towel around his hips then went into the kitchen pulling open the fridge door and extracting a bottle of chilled water which he glugged down thirstily, he figured the flight had dehydrated him a little.

He was more tired than hungry so he went back into the bedroom and put on a pair of cotton shorts and a light grey vest that said 'hug me' in large baby blue letters then he dropped his towel into the laundry basket and slipped into his bed and within minutes he was fast asleep.

~ trigger warning ~

Over the course of the next few chapters I write about Anurak being taken for questioning by the police, his home being searched and the after effects that the experience has on him.

Where it is not my intention to cause anyone undue distress I feel it is an important part of the story so I just wanted to warn you in advance.


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