Chapter 17 ~ moving forward ~

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Niran captured Anurak's lips in a searing exchange as his emotions threatened to overpower him, perhaps now wasn't the right time to consummate their relationship but he had waited so damn long and the thoughts of losing him ...

he just couldn't hold back any longer in his desire to show Anurak just how much he wanted him and loved him. He looked across at the suitcase on the bed and wanted to kick it off, its mere presence offending him and reminding him of how close he had come to losing Anurak.

"I'm sorry angel, I can't ... not with the suitcase there, I don't want our first time to be tainted by negative emotions or feelings" Niran said pressing his forehead against Anurak's while panting heavily.

"I kind of agree Niran, I want to but I ..." Anurak said.

"come on, I'll help you put everything back and then we'll have something to eat" Niran said.

The pair made short work of putting Anurak's clothes back in the closet and stashing his case before they made a fresh pot of tea and some toast.

"so what should we do today?" Anurak asked Niran as he munched on his breakfast.

"would you like me to show you around the house and the suite next door?" Niran asked.

"mmm ok but what is your grandmother going to say when she comes home and finds a stranger living here?" he asked.

"you're not a stranger though angel and I suspect she already knows that I have feelings for you" Niran said.

"but still, I don't think she will be very pleased about what has transpired"

"listen baby, she will be ok about everything, I promise you" Niran reassured him.

They finished their tea and toast and then Niran took Anurak next door, in layout it was very similar to the one they were using now and Rak could imagine what a great apartment it would be if they knocked both suites into one.

"so this was your plan huh? I have to admit, it is kind of cool" Anurak said.

"really? you think you could go for it? it would be awesome angel and you can decorate it however you like to make it feel more like your home. My existing suite of rooms is at the other side of the house but as soon as you decide that you want us to live together properly I'll move my things across here" Niran said.

"then I think you should move them" Anurak said.

"are you sure baby, I don't want to rush you ..." Niran asked him.

"I'm very sure, I was already thinking about it to be honest, just don't ever keep secrets from me again or try and manipulate me"

"angel, it might have looked that way but I was never trying to manipulate you, it just seemed like a great idea at the time, somewhere I hoped you would feel safe and be happy but if you had known it was my house you wouldn't even have come to have a look ... don't you realise that since meeting you, my sole aim has been to make you happy?" Niran said wrapping his arms around his cute little angel.

"I am happy Niran but ... I never want to feel how I felt yesterday ever again"

"there will be times when we'll fight baby but we'll talk it out, don't even think of leaving me, I wouldn't be able to handle it" Niran said.

"come on then, show me your suite and the rest of the house" Anurak said and they both walked around the property hand in hand.

After Anurak had seen the house excluding Niran's grandmothers private suite, Niran took him into the security guards staff room to meet them all properly and after chatting with them, he discovered that they were decent guys.

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