Chapter 6 ~ overthinking ~

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Later that evening, Anurak was sitting once more in the guest bedroom thinking about everything and considering all his options.

So Niran thought that it could cost him a lot of money if he decided to sue, was that the real reason that he was helping him but then Anurak didn't doubt for one second that he wouldn't have had him checked out so he would already know that he couldn't afford to sue anyone ...

then again, if Niran was someone of importance and his comments had led Anurak to believe that was the case then he imagined any lawyer would be willing to work pro bono to further his career or maybe they would work on a no win, no fee basis with such a high profile defendant.

He pulled out his laptop and sat on the bed cross legged while he googled the guys name, Niran Khornachakim ...

it seemed that the guy was one of the top five wealthiest people in Thailand, he was 27 years old but wasn't self made, he had inherited his grandfathers companies then he had dragged them kicking and screaming into the modern era and expanded them before moving on to other ventures, it would appear that he had his fingers in many pies.

With that said, Anurak wasn't that kind of a person to be bought off, he wasn't even sure that money could make everything right, it had been a life experience that he would never forget, could never forget ... the fear, the indignity not to mention the injustice of being accused of theft and that kind of hurt the most.

Is that how people saw him? did he look like the kind of person who would help or befriend someone only to betray their trust and steal from them later? 

Even though the physical pain had lessened, the mental trauma would be with him for a long, long time.

What the hell was he even doing here in this man's apartment, he felt torn ... on the one hand he had thought why not? it's not like he was afraid of the guy himself, it had been the situation that scared him and he just couldn't abide seeing Niran's face because it reminded him,

on the other hand he knew that Niran was trying to make up for his impetuous accusation but was it all a ploy? were his kind offers a means of appeasing the judge in order to get away with paying less damages if it came to that or was he overthinking everything.

It was driving him crazy and he didn't know what to do.

Meanwhile Niran sat in his study trying to work but thinking about Anurak, at the very least they were able to have a conversation now albeit strained. He could understand why the man was angry with him, hell he was angry at himself for not biding his time.

He wanted to make it up to him, he wanted to do so much for him and he wanted Anurak to stay beside him, he wanted to keep him close so that he could show him that he wasn't an asshole and he wanted Anurak to want him, he wanted him to need him with every fibre of his being.

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts he started on some paperwork, he would have to call his secretary tomorrow and tell her that he was working from home for a while. The situation was too delicate to leave Anurak alone and he didn't want him to leave while he was at work.

Obviously he couldn't keep him there if he really wanted to leave but at least he could try and talk him into staying. 

After spending an hour completing some work he flipped the desk lamp off and headed back out into the main apartment.

He wondered if he should make Anurak a mug of cocoa but looking at his watch he saw it was quite late. He decided to just get a shower and go to bed and he would leave his bedroom door slightly open in case his angel needed him during the night.

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