CH. 1 : Reborn Again 🌿

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That day was a joyous and memorable day. Inside a white villa, a red-haired woman was sitting gracefully next to a baby crib while singing a lullaby to her babies. The woman smiled watching three small redheads sleeping peacefully together. She had just given birth to them early that morning. 

“I love you, my sons. My three reds.” 

The woman, Jour Thames, smiled at them lovingly. She then stroked her eldest son’s soft red hair that looks just like hers, “Kyle Thames, our champion.” 

Jour then moves to her middle child and touches his chubby cheek as the baby smiles a little, “Kael Thames, our heir.”

“And you, Cale Thames, shall be mine.” Jour says as she carries her youngest in her arms and sings a lullaby.


When Cale opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was an unfamiliar room with beautiful white walls and gold decorations that made the room look very luxurious. He then turns his head to the left and right only to see two redheads sleeping peacefully next to him. They both looked so much alike. They reminded him of his old body as Kim Rok Soo. It then hit him, who they were. It was the White Star and the original Cale Henituse that had swapped bodies with him. Cale let out a sigh. 

‘That fucking God of Death.’ 

Cale tried to recall his memories. The last thing he remembers was fighting the White Star at Puzzle City, he stabbed himself in the heart with The World Tree branch along with the White Star to end his curse. Only for him to realize the White Star had a hidden ability and had blown both of them inside the Sealed God’s Temple. 

Cale then saw a beautiful woman come into his few. The woman had noticed he was awake and smiled at him. She carried him in her arms and rocks a little, “Hi, Cale sweetie. You’re finally awake.” 

She then noticed the other two redheads were also awake, “Oh my, are you hungry?”

One of the babies smiled at her and made small grabbing movements with his small hands, trying to reach out to her. It was Kim Rok Soo, who was now called Kael. He thought it was just a dream before dying after killing an unranked monster, he had missed his mother so much, ‘Mother…’ 

The other redhead, the White Star who was now named Kyle, had been observing the red-haired woman, the small bundle in her hands, and the baby next to him, ‘Interesting…’ He had also noticed that he was no longer cursed, which means that he was able to feel again. Unintentional he had smiled, he was happy and relieved that he was no longer burdened. 

It was odd. The original Cale Henituse, the White Star, and the Supreme Commander had died and were reborn as triplets of the Thames Household. 


Years had passed by, the triplets were now five years old. There are so many unexpected differences in their current lives. In this life, Jour Thames is the Archduchess of the Thames Household and had not married Count Deruth. Cale did not want to admit it but he was glad to see Ron as their personal butler and Vicross as their chef. But what surprised him was that Ron had another son, Aster Molan, he was an ice mage, a dagger expert, an assassin, and had the gift to communicate with Elementals. When the triplets were born, Vicross was twelve and Aster was five. 

The triplets were all born with red blood hair like their mother and reddish brown eyes like their father, unlike Jour who had red eyes like her hair. Jour had once told them that Kyle and Kael looked so much like their father but he had black raven hair. Cale, on the other hand, was a carbon copy of their mother. Jour never talked much about their father except that he was still out there and he would always come back when he could. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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