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(While Mariska waits for her food to arrive, she dials Kelli to check in. She picks up on the second ring with loud music playing in the background.)

Kelli: Hello Mar.

Mariska: Hey Kels.

Kelli: How's Kenya?

Mariska: What?

Kelli: I said hows Kenya.

Mariska: I cant understand you.

Kelli: Hold on.

(Mariska waits until the music is turned down before she hears her friend's voice again.)

Mariska: Now what the hell did you say?

Kelli: I'm sorry girl I'm entertaining.

Mariska: (rolls eyes) Please tell me it isn't Nick?

Kelli: No, you haven't met him yet.

Mariska: (makes a face) What, wait did you just meet him?

Kelli: Yes, yesterday and we kinda sorta hit it off.

Mariska: God Kels you are such a tramp.

Kelli: (laughs) What he's tall and handsome.

Mariska: Well can you talk for a second?

Kelli: Yeah sure let me go to the other room. Sorry girl, your timing is horrible.

(She waits until she hears a door close and then Kelli comes back on.)

Mariska: Kelli please tell me you're not going to fuck him when you just met him?

Kelli: No, maybe not tonight.

Mariska: God what am I going to do with you.

Kelli: So tell me whats so important to call me when you know its like eleven here.

Mariska: Im sorry but I need a very big favor.

Kelli: What they don't have condoms in Kenya?

Mariska: What, no I'm not here to screw around Kels.

Kelli: Why not I heard them African men have big.

Mariska: Don't even finish that sentence.

(Kelli laughs.)

Kelli: Anyways what is the favor?

Mariska: I need some medicine sent to me.

Kelli: Medicine what is a clinic why do they need medicine?

Mariska: He said he ordered some but it never came and he only has a week's supply.

Kelli: He? Hmmm does this have a name?

Mariska: (sigh) Kelli can you focus, please?

Kelli: Fine, what do you need?

Mariska: I need antibiotics, some steroids, and cough medicine. I need enough to last for at least four months. I'm sure he can afford it and I can pitch in on the cost too.

Kelli: You're willingly going to help pay for medicine that this guy can clearly afford.

Mariska: I'm doing this for the children here. I offered to help and he agreed, so please just talk to your dad and send it.

Kelli: Tell me his name and I'll send it.

Mariska: You are so fucking annoying Kels. His name is Chris Meloni and he's the head doctor here. The clinic belongs to him and Kels you should see these kids here. So can you please send it to this address I'm going to text it to you and just let me know.

Kelli: OK, this really is important to you isn't it?

Mariska: Yes, I just want to help in any way I can.

Kelli: OK, I'll text you when it's done it shouldn't be a problem with my dad.

Mariska: Thank you, Kelli, so much, I owe you.

Kelli: OK, talk to you tomorrow I have a man waiting for me.

Mariska: OK, bye!

(Mariska shakes her head before she heads to her room to unpack and get settled. Once she was done she drew her a hot bubble bath and fixed a glass of wine to relax her. After she was done she went to sit on the sofa pulled out her laptop and did some research.)

(The next morning she wakes up with a stiff neck and her laptop on the floor. She gets up to shower and get ready for her first day shadowing Chris. She picks out some blue scrubs and white shoes before doing her makeup. She makes it to the clinic a little before eight to grab a cup of coffee to wake up.)

Jeff: Good morning Mariska, how was your first night in Kenya?

Mariska: Good morning and it was good.

Jeff: So what do you think he will have us doing today?

Mariska: I have no clue, I hope we meet some of the kids.

(Just then Amy, Roxy, Daniel, and Bret show up looking hungover. Mariska smiles as she watches Amy struggling to stay focused on just walking a straight line.)

Jeff: Long night?

Roxy: More like a long morning.

Amy: God my head hurts.

Mariska: There's coffee in the break room.

Amy: I don't drink coffee, it's bad for you.

Mariska: Whatever.

(They are all waiting in the meeting room when Sean and Rachel come in.)

Sean: Morning.

Them: Morning.

Rachel: Chris should be here in a few minutes so we can get our day started.

Amy: Great.

(At that moment Chris walks in with a not so happy look on his face.)

Chris: Morning sorry I'm late, I had a very important call.

Jeff: You're good Dr. Meloni.

Chris: OK first call me Chris. Only my patients call me Dr. Meloni and it just seems weird coming from co-workers. So now that everyone is here let's get to work.

(Everyone goes with the person shadowing to get the day going. Chris takes Mariska and Jeff with him to check up with his first patient of the day.)

Chris: OK, so I have a very important patient who's going through a disease that causes her to have a hard time breathing. She gets these infections in her lungs we have to have her on antibiotics. It's going to be tough but I have a shipment in a few days so we can continue the treatment.

Jeff: And if she doesn't get it?

Mariska: She dies.

Chris: Correct, but hopefully my shipment will come in by tomorrow.

Mariska: Hey Chris can I talk to you?

Chris: Yeah.

(She pulls him over to the side.)

Mariska: I've spoken to my friend back home and she will talk to her father about getting medicine here.

Chris: (smiles) Thank you, just tell me the cost and I'll get it right to her.

Mariska: (smiles) OK, I'll let you know what she says when she calls me.

Chris: Great, let's get back to work.

(They walk back into the room and check the little girl's vitals and he shows them how to give her the antibiotics. Throughout the day he shows them the different rooms and where all the medical equipment is. By five that evening they all were exhausted, hungry, and ready to go home.)

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