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(It's been a week since that awful dinner and Mariska hasn't talked or seen her father since. She has been avoiding staying at home because she's ashamed and embarrassed by what her father said.)

(She had been staying at Kelli's apartment and it's been crazy because she's has her boyfriend who also lives there. Mariska was in the guest room when Kelli got back home from work.)

Kelli: Hey mama.

Mariska: Can you please stop saying that?

Kelli: What? It's not everyday your best friend tells you she pregnant with twins.

Mariska: Can we please not talk about it.

Kelli: You dad still mad?

Mariska: I don't think he even cares at this point.

Kelli: (sigh) I'm still wrapping my head around it all.

Mariska: I'm lost. I have no clue on how to raise a baby let long two babies. How could I let this happen, we used protection every time.

(As she sits there and try to think back to when this could have happened and she gasp.)


Mariska: The night before I left.

Kelli: What about it?

Mariska: That's the night I got pregnant. We kind of wasn't speaking to each other two months before I was set to leave. He wanted me to stay there with him and become a house wife who to him was barefoot and pregnant.

Kelli: Well you got the pregnent part right.

Mariska: (gives her a look) Your really not helping.

Kelli: (chuckle) I'm sorry but you kind of left an opening for that.

Mariska: I'm so scared Kels. With PCOS I don't know what to expect during this pregnancy.Ive always wanted kids but with my condition it made totally forget about them. Now here I am pregnant with two babies who is going to be looking up to me.

Kelli: (caress her arm) Well you know I'm here girl. Have you called him just to see where things are with you guys?

Mariska: He doesn't live in Kenya anymore. I've been calling him since I been back and no answer. I called his office number and some woman picks up the phone and she told me he just up and left. I left messages on his voicemail but nothing so now I have to move on and raise them on my own.

Kelli: Wow, I'm sorry you're going through this Marsh.

Mariska: I don't know what I'm going to do.

(Kelli feeling her friend pain pulls her in for a hug as she cries on her shoulder. They just lay there until Kelli feels Mariska before heavier and her breathing evens out. She covers her and leaves out closing the door before she joins her boyfriend in the living room.)

Nate: Hey she's ok?

Kelli: Yeah, just going through a rough patch right now.

Nate: (makes a face) How long will she be here?

Kelli: (looks at him) How ever long she needs why is it a problem?

Nate: I mean it's been a week. I get she's your best friend but she's not your responsibility.

Kelli: You know what Nate, I don't have time for this so goodnight.

(She leaves him on the sofa as she makes her way to her room and closes the door. Mariska rolls over and closes her eyes as she takes in what she just heard. Making up her mind she knew it was time to go back home at least until she finds her own place. As she lay there and think about her life and where it's headed, tears roll down her face.)

(Over the next few months Mariska went to school and she worked a night shift at the local diner to make money. Her mother was concerned about her as she went to work during the day and worked until almost midnight. She was eight months along and she could no longer see her feet and she was always uncomfortable. She was in her room when her father knocked on her door before he opens it.)

Mike: Hey you have a minute?

Mariska: Not really i need to get to work I'm already five minutes late.

(She goes back to put on her makeup and fix her hair.)

Mike: So you're still not talking to me?

Mariska: Dad I really don't have time for this right now. You said what you had to say, and I appreciate you for letting me stay here so I can save money.

Mike: Money it's the issue.

Mariska: It's ok dad I accept your apology for those horrible things you said.

Mike: Mariska it's been months since then are you really going to sit here and deny it wasn't true what I said. You got yourself in this situation because you had a weak moment and it's....

Mariska: It's what dad? Me getting myself knocked up by some guy who doesn't even know he has twin daughters on the way. I guess this my karma for falling for a guy instead of doing what I went there to do. I'm sorry I wasted your hard earned money only for me to come back home and ruining my life. Don't worry dad once my babies are here I promise to have my own place so we won't cause you any embarrassment.

(By the time she got done venting what she has been feeling for the last six months she was out of breath. Having had enough of the stress from her father she gets up to go grab her purse and keys when she felt a sharp pain.)

Mike: Your not an embarrassment to me Marsh.

Mariska: (groan) Mmm.

Mike: What's wrong?

Mariska: I don't.. ahhhh.

Mike: (yells for his wife) SHELL.

Mariska: Daddy something is wrong.

(Mariska sits back down as the pain intensifies causing her to double over. She rubs her side where one of the babies is kicking. At that moment she sees her mom come in the door way with a confused look on her face until she sees her daughter.)

Shelley: What happened?

Mike: It's my fault.

Mariska: Mom it really hurts..ohhhhhhhhhhh something is not right ahhh.

Shelley: Ok come on let's get you to the hospital.

(She goes to help her up and gasp when she sees blood on the bed.)

Mariska: What?

(She looks down and damn near passed out from the blood and the cramps that's rolling through her.)

Mike: Let's go now.

(They help their daughter downstairs and to the car as fast as they could. Mariska gets in the back seat as her mom gets in beside her. Mike starts the car and pulls off racing to the hospital as fast as he could without wrecking.)

Mariska: (grows weak) I don't feel so good.

Shelley: Baby I need you look at me.

(Mariska is so out of it she can't even comprehend what her mother is saying. Shelley sees her daughter get weaker as the minutes pass and she's scared.)

Mike: How's she doing?

Shelley: She's weak.

Mike: Marsh babygirl I need you to try and stay awake for me.

(Tempeh got nothing as the pain becomes unbearable and she's loosing more blood. Her hand falls from resting on her stomach as she feels everything gets dark and far away. Shelley screams as she watches her daughter slump against her unconscious.)

Shelley: Michael press the gas now or we're going to loose all three of them.

(Mike press the gas as he drives toward the hospital making it two minutes later and jumps out the car. He runs in to get help and soon a swamp of doctors and nurses come out and they rushed Mariska inside.)

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