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(Mariska slowly comes to hearing a beeping noise and hushed talking. Fighting to come out of whatever fog she's in she moves a hand feeling cloth under her fingers. She opens her eyes but quickly closes them back because of the bright light.)

Shelley: Mariska?

Mariska: (confused but whispered) Mom?

Shelley: Oh thank god Mike she's awake.

Mike: Marsh baby can you hear me?

Mariska: (blinks) Dad?

Mike: Yes, your mother, brother, and I are here.

(She blinks her eyes a few more times to clear her vision. She finally is able to keep them open and turns her head a little and sees her parents. All of a sudden everything comes back like a flood and she abruptly sits up but whines.)

Mariska: Ahhh.

Shelley: Baby take it easy.

Mariska: Where are my kids?

Shelley: They are alright, Chris has them.

Mariska: Jesse?

Shelley: In jail where he belongs.

(Feeling relief she falls back and the tears just start falling as a sob escapes.)

Mariska: (lip quivers) He tried to kill me.

Mike: Why didn't you tell us it was this bad?

Mariska: I really don't want to talk about it.

Shelley: Well thank god Chris showed up when he did.

Mariska: (looks surprised) What?

Shelley: Apparently Mae called him and told him that you and Jesse were fighting. When he got there, he kicked the door in and saw him choking you. He beat him pretty badly before he drove you and the kids here. He had Kelli's number saved and that's how we found out.

Mike: He a good man Marsh.

Mariska: I need to see my children.

Shelley: I promised to call when you woke. The poor babies were so exhausted, that he took them back to his place.

Mariska: I need to call him.

Shelley: He is so good with the girls, even Jason.

Mariska: Mom where is my phone?

Shelley: In my purse.

Mariska: Can I have it, please?

Shelley: You should be resting after the past few days you've had.

Mariska: How long have I been here?

Shelley: Two days.

Mariska: What? I've been here for two days and my children.

Shelley: Have been taken good care of, Chris stays the night here with you and we take the kids for the night.

(Shelley hands her daughter her cell and she hurries to call Chris.)

Chris: Hello.

Mariska: (tears up) Chris.

Chris: (sits up) Marsha oh my god your awake.

(She gives her parents a look as if telling them to give her some privacy. Once they are gone she has to take a deep breath before she speaks.)

Mariska: (tears fall) Hi.

Chris: Hi, how are you feeling?

Mariska: I need to see my kids.

Chris: OK, I'll have them up there in an hour.

Mariska: Chris?

Chris: Yeah.

Mariska: Thank you.

Chris: (smiles) I told you I'm here.

Mariska: You did and you have no idea how much I appreciate it.

(With that they hang and she waits for Chris and her kids to come up there. As she waits her doctor comes to take to her and fill her in on her injuries. He checks her over again and promised her that she could go home in the morning. Not even an hour later he comes in with Jason in his arms and the girls behind him.)

Chris: Look who's awake.

Jason: Mommy.

Chris: Yep Mommy.

Maeve: Moom you awake.

Mariska: (choked up) Hey baby.

Imogen: Mama.

(They both take off and run up to her bed and she hugs them as best as she can. Chris walks over and Jason is trying his hardest to get to his mother.)

Jason: Want mama?

Mariska: Come here, my love.

(She takes Shim from Chris and holds him close playing kisses all over his face. He squeals and laughs as she buries her face in his hair.)

Maeve: Mom is Jesse in trouble?

Mariska: Yes he is.

Maeve: Where are we going to live?

Mariska: I have an apartment.

Imogen: Can we live with Dad?

Chris: Mo, not know sweetie.

Mariska: (gives him a look) No we can't live with your dad baby. I already have a nice apartment that we will be moving into this weekend.

Them: Aww man.

(She watches as her girls look at one another with a sad expression on their faces. Instead of talking about the incident, she asked them what they had been doing. They each share their stories as Jason says content and happy in his mother's lap. By eight that night, her parents have taken the kids and Chris is still there on his phone.

Mariska: Hey Chris?

Chris: Hey Marsh.

Mariska: I really want to thank you for saving me.

(He gets up and moves towards the her and sits next to the bed. He takes her hands in his and caresses her bruised knuckles.)

Chris: No apologies, I'm just glad Mae called me when she did. Marsh that could have ended different if I didn't show up when I did. You were barely breathing, they were afraid your throat was going to close up. You scared the shit out of me when I noticed you had passed out and the blood, I just had to get you help.

Mariska: I owe you my life.

Chris: I would do it all over again with no hesitation.

Mariska: Look I don't want this to ruin your trip with the girls.

Chris: You can't expect me to go now.

Mariska: Don't cancel. Jesse is in prison and he can't hurt me anymore.

Chris: Come with us.

Mariska: I...

Chris: You need a vacation Marsh and two weeks away in Kenya is perfect. You have time so use it and the kids will love it.

(Just then the news broke on the tv and they look up to see Jesse being released from prison. He is greeted by reported who ask him about his wife.)

Jesse: This ia all a big misunderstanding, my wife hasn't been feeling well these couple months and I plan on getting her help.

(Mariaka's mouth drops open as she looks at Chris who is clenching his fists. He looks back at her just as the years fall and he's by her side in an instant. He wraps her up in his arms as she breaks down clinging to him as she listens to her husband's lies.)

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