4.)A Messy Reunion

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(Y/N Black)

The morning had begun the way it  usually did at The Burrow. Everyone had been up by 8:00 and done with breakfast by 9:30. The next few hours consisted of trying to get Ginny and Ron to stop talking about quidditch and do their homework. While also trying to avoid Fred George and Percy for two completely different reasons. Fred and George for the sake of not getting distracted with something too fun. Like some new joke product or trying to prank Percy for instance. And Percy..well how do I  put it lightly.. To avoid being bored  to death with some irrelevant Ministry topic..

Anyway after we got the procrastinators working I decided I wanted to change since I was still and pijamas and go out to the back yard with my best friend. Ares the cat. so I grabbed a black shirt that had s a cute image of a cresent moon and flowers around it with a pair of denim shorts and black trainers. Hermione who was reading by the sunlit windowsill looked at me over her book. 'Hey' She smiled warmly 'What are you up to' I scanned the room and found Ares and Crookshanks fighting over a toy mouse in the corner. Crockshanks hissed at the little Black cat and pawed at the rat aggressively, As I watched I replied 'Nothing much I'm out for a bike ride'  She hummed in response before asking 'Do you want me to come with you?' 'Just so you don't break a leg, since you're still dreadfully at it'

'Oh thank you' I said sarcastically 'It's nice of you to think I'm capable' Hermione only snorted as she continued to read. I walked over to my kitten, pulling him away from Crookshanks before he could suffer ingury due to the abuse the ginger cat was putting a toy rat through. 'Hello Ares' I cooed stroking him lightly 'Wanna go for a ride my dear kitty?'  The cat looked at me with it's pretty green eyes and yowled as if protesting. 'No?, okay you're coming anyway.' I told him as adjusted him in my arms. Ares began to hiss and squirm as if saying 'put me down you mad women!!' 'Hey Hermione I said as I watched Crookshannks' merciless attacks on the now battered toy. 'Yeah' she replied distractedly. 'Do you think your cat's imagining he's attacking Pettigrew' At the word Pettigrew the cat looked up and hissed.

She laughed 'Probably' 'He's reminding me of Sirius when we met him last term' She added. I smiled. 'Alright, I'll leave you to it, I'm out!' She nodded 'Really though try not to break a leg!' She called after me as I left the room. laughing I walked past the kitchen through the living room- Wait someone was in the living room chatting with Mrs.Weasley amidly. A moment later she saw me and- 'Oh Y/N, I was just about to go look for you' 'You have a visitor dear.' 'I do?' I asked intrigued. The person still sitting turned, when I saw who it was I practically screamed in excitement. 'REMUS!' Before he knew it I attacked him with a feirce hug. Remus taken aback slightly chuckled quietly. 'Hey there kid' 'Hi how are you?' 'I'm alright, He replied 'How are you enjoying your first summer with freedom in all its glory?' He grinned. I grinned back, but noticed his shabby robes, and slight strands of graying hair. He looked more exhausted then ever. 'I'll you two a moment Molly smiled going of to busy herself with something upstairs

I looked him up and down in concern, my grin faltering slightly. 'Are you sure?' 'You look exauhsted' I voiced my thoughts gently. His smile remained even as he said in forced non-chalance 'Oh you know, just looking for a job, it's a bit draining' I felt horrible knowing how difficult that alone must be, however it only stregthen my resolve to learn how to make the potion that could make his life easier. 'Anyway..' He added in a heist as though reading my thoughts. 'Your father wrote to me'  I raised an eyebrow. 'He asked me to go back to your old house' Your old house..that sounds weird' I thought. 'And collect a few things, he asked that I give them to you' From the armchair behind him he reched for a couple of neatly wrapped packages and handed them to me. 'I'm still checking for other things, but I reckoned these three would make good enough birthday presents. Gently I reached for the topmost one and unwraped it. Beneath the wrapping paper sat a black leather jacket with a...dog embroided on it? As I examined the fine material, tracing the outline of the little dog, Remus spoke 'It was your dad's he wore it all the time when we were  in school'  Not knowing what to say, I opted for a silent nod of my head, but I was sure a look excitement had overtaken my face.

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