• ━━━━━━•丂卄丨千ㄒ乇尺 01

12 1 5

Life sucks, duh it's never fair with anyone, it's neither you go with it or be stuck complaining about it.

I'm the complainant, your honor.

I looked in the mirror as I stared at my face, pimples, black heads and marks on my face is evident. I sighed, being overwhelmed with many things making my face irritated. It doesn't matter if I washed my face with a recommended products or what my face is used to. It doesn't work!

I placed my glasses down and rubbed my throbbing head.. maybe I should rest for today, I'm just going to active recall my lesson tomorow morning.

The story starts here, my dream, the alternative reality that I created for myself.

I'm a shifter.

It sounded so cool in my head, like how tony shark said "I'm Iron man." Or something like that.

The empty street appeared in black clouded mind finds herself in control, the building that meant to be bright in the dark was burn out, the world seemed to be abandoned.

A light from a screen, opening suddenly. The words can be read in Japanese, translates into
"Game Arena

A place where games existed? That's really familiar.

I smiled to myself, exactly how I scripted it. I followed the arrow though I have no thoughts on saving Chota from his injured leg and the girl. It would be fun to just be there and look at them, I remembered that I wrote down I can understand and speak Japanese and add additional player to each game I want to got to.

Slowly walking taking my time as I heard a distant chatter, probably the main characters. I was right as went close to the location the first game happened when they got to borderland.

They noticed as Chota was in joy and asked, "Do you know what happened here?" I shaked my head and acted like I just got here. Partially true though, karube looked wary and unconvinced, glaring at me.

Damn man I'm just being honest here, as Arisu is saying we should enter the building.

Going in closely after them, looking at the phone for registration I didn't register as I placed the phone back, I will let Mira or who ever assigned this game be confused as I covered my face before the facial recognition do shit.

Though I grabbed it again for time checking or whatever later.

Overpowered kinnie, I looked at them observing what they are doing, however they just looked at the phone confused and clearly don't know what to do.

The lady that I forgot the name of entered, shibuki? ... Shibiki? Whatever, the three guys just asked if she knows anything about what happened to the people in shibuya or tokyo, all she said it's a game.

Having a moment of silence she grabbed Chota's ID and what happened in the show happened here. They figured they can't escape not unless they complete the game.

Boring... Karube looked at the both of us who seemed like he wants to fight, kidding but he needs to calm down for real, the school girl finally entered saying she's glad and all of that I gave her a phone instead of the lady. I smiled at her, not really saying anything at this point.

Should I act mute? I'm not really interested to talk right now, besides I used up my voice from feyman technique. She looked confused and grabbed the phone, a little moment later we are finally inside the rooms as they fought before entering the elevator properly.

Finally it began.

Chota is doing his own thing which is video taping the situation, while Karube and Arisu is talking about who knows what? While me and shibuki-girlie that I dumbly forgot, and the other cutie was just staying still.

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