Chapter 4.47 - Wave After Wave

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The Deep One's assault on the Atlantic coast didn't relent. Mod and the others held the front in Belport while countless fish-men came at them.

Mod had already swapped fusion cells twice in his rifle—once, shortly after using his new fusion spreadblast, and the second time just from sheer numbers of their enemies.

With mechanical quickness, Mod grabbed a fusion cell from his upper arm compartment, popped it in the housing, bolted the chamber shut, and continued firing.

It wasn't long before Mod's group saw their first mage. It climbed atop a three story building and sent a hail of icicles into the sky.

Serenity sent a psychic distress message across the block. Soldiers on the nearby roof took shelter. Larian's tree stepped forward to shield their group. Cracks and groans sounded as its black canopy widened to encompass the entire roof.

"Everybody back!" Larian shouted. The group quickly huddled around the truck of the tree.

Hundreds of icicles rained down, embedding themselves in the surrounding buildings. The sound of them hitting the canopy made Mod shiver—it sounded like an icy lake cracking and cracking, but never buckling.

The canopy shield held, only letting a few icy shards make it through to the roof. Still, that was enough to remind Mod not to take any chances.

In the distance, the fish-mage chattered and gestured wildly, conjuring another spell. Frost swirled around it.

Mod raised his rifle and fired. A kinetic blast hit the mage between the eyes and it fell. The magic faded.

But the tide of the battle was turning, and not in humanity's favor. At first, they'd been firing into the distance at the advancing horde. As the minutes dragged on, their shots were landing closer and closer to their position.

Behind Mod, Krystal was conjuring icy spikes around the edge of the roof to defend against the fish-men soldiers. Larian's creatures were actively defending their rear. Cherry and McGuire were splitting their attention between firing at the horde and defending the roof.

"TINA, please tell us there's light at the end of the tunnel."

"Not yet. Support teams are grouping together. I suggest you rally with the military building beside you."

Serenity nodded, but didn't take her eyes off the swarm.

Arsenal's voice came through the radio. "Give me a sec and I can grab two of you."

In between firing his slingshot, McGuire added, "I can carry someone on my hoverboard."

Arsenal rocketed toward them and the group got ready to abandon their post. She swooped down and linked arms with Cherry and Larian, slowing down just enough not to wrench their arms out of their sockets.

Cherry fired her blasts while she dangled in the air. Larian's tree disappeared in a cloud of shadow and Tuke flew beside them. Indovu flicked its tail and stared at McGuire curiously.

McGuire pulled the hoverboard out of his backpack, and both he and Krystal climbed on. She wrapped an arm around his waist and shouted, "Let's see what this thing will do!"

"Just hang on tight!"

The pair shot off. Krystal conjured ice ramps at the edge of each roof and McGuire took them at full speed. They sailed over the alley gaps, hit the next roof, and kept going. Indovu kept pace beside them.

Mod pulled out his bo staff, extended the blade, and hacked through the few Deep Ones that made it over the roof. He carved a path through them, slashing and blasting, and chased after his friends.

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