Meet the crew

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Ej Andrew white 15

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Ej Andrew white

Jah Anthony brown 15Play basketball

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Jah Anthony brown
Play basketball

Bryce white 19 He works at Walmart Clay's boyfriend

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Bryce white
He works at Walmart
Clay's boyfriend

Clay harris 20 he also is a gang banger him kj and kiari are all in the same gang Bryce boyfriend

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Clay harris
he also is a gang banger him kj and kiari are all in the same gang
Bryce boyfriend

Clay harris 20 he also is a gang banger him kj and kiari are all in the same gang Bryce boyfriend

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Kiari Davis brown
Gang banger

Victor Joseph white 33He is a firefighter Ej and Bryce dad

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Victor Joseph white
He is a firefighter
Ej and Bryce dad

Shayla white Married to victor Mother of ej and Bryce She is an influencer

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Shayla white
Married to victor
Mother of ej and Bryce
She is an influencer

Shayla white Married to victor Mother of ej and Bryce She is an influencer

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Queen brown
Single mother
Mother of kiari and Jah (kj)
She a lawyer

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