Chapter 3

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A week after the party
Ej pov

It's been a week since the party and me and Jah haven't spoke to each other since what happened at the party.

I would see him in the hallway walking and I would ignore him or he would ignore me but ion give a got danm fuck like I'm not runnin after nobody ns

It was now time to go home cause school is done. I was so ready to go home but my friend had other plans so we went to the library

While we was over there my friend Tyla called Sam on ig and asked him if we could comme over to his house cause everybody was over there and she wanted to go but I didn't

Cause me and Sam were not friends like we used to be so I didn't want to go. When I tell y'all this girl begged Sam to let me come

He finally said yes and she started jumping like a fucking rabbit in the library like girl sit tf down he sent her the id to his house

We said bye to my other friend's and we left to go to Sam's house

15 minutes later

We finally got to Sam house I rung the doorbell he opened the door and we walked upstairs I opened the door and took of my shoes I saw my homegirls I hugged them and dabbed up the homies

While I was saying hi to everyone I saw Jah big head ass comme out Sam's room I turned around and went to the leaving room and sat down on of the couches

I put my AirPods in my ears and went to Netflix to watch my show as I was watching my show I wanted to go to the bathroom so I got up

And started to walk in the direction of the bathroom I walked beside Jah and he punched my arm I stopped walking rolled my eyes at him and kept walking

I got out the bathroom I walked back to my sit and continued watching my show. My phone was diying so I asked Sam fo a charger

He told me his charger was in his room so I went in there and put it on charge I got ou the room and walked back to the leaving room

As I was walking in the leaving room Jah hit my shoulder again I looked at him and Said << fuck you want >>

He looked at me and didn't say nothing so I punched his shoulder he looked at me and punched me hard asf on my shoulder that shit hurt wtf

I took all the strength in my body and put it in my arm so I could hit him on his shoulder as hard as I can when I did that he yelled << fuckkkk >>

- yeah bitch now get out my face tf I said
He looked at me and made me sign to follow him in Sam room I looked at him and said fuck no he looked at me and said bet

Everybody went in the room cause they was bout to put movie on and I didn't want to watch it so I stayed in the leaving room

When I was bout to go in sam's room to get my phone Jah bum ass came out the room and walked up on me so I walked back he kept walking up on me until I was now in the leaving room

He looked at me and pushed me on the couch he sat beside me and pulled me into his lap I stared at him and he licked his lips

I looked away from him and he grabbed my chin making me look at him I pulled my chin away from him and tried getting up

He pulled me back down and whispered in my ear

- where tf you think you going
- I finna go get my phone from Sam's room tf
He slapped my ass and said
- watch yo mouth luh boy he said
- STOPPP I yelled
- shut tf up he said
- okayyy move i need to go get my phone

He let go of me I went to Sam's room got my phone and went back to the leaving room and sat on the other couch jj looked at me and said

- fuck you doing come here he said in a deep voice
- jah leave me tf alone danm I said rolling my eyes
- I'm not gone tell you one Mo time come here he said
- no leave me alone I said

He got up  fixed his pants and walked in my direction he got in front of me and snatch my phone out of my hands he grab me by my arms and picked me up

He sat back down oh the couch were he was sitting earlier and put me on his lap I was mad asf rn

He looked at me me and started smiling I rolled my eyes at him he instantly grabbed me by my neck and said
- fuck you rolling yo eyes fo
- jah I'm mad rn let me go I said
- nah I'm tryna touch on you luh boy he said
- stop calling me that I said
- aight then bae he said

I looked at him and he was smiling mad hard I kept looking and this nigga let go of my neck to grab my chin and kiss my on the lips I Ain't gon lie he got soft ass lips

I kissed him back cause I mean we already kissing so why stop. We were kissing fo like 2 minutes I finally pulled back and he looked a me and bit his lip he was bout to kiss me again but I said

- Unt Unt get of me you not getting nomo kiss
- man you trippin he said grabbing my ass
- SEE Unt Unt get yo horny ass on I said
- man get off me he said
- nah I Said

Tell me how y'all felt bout this chapter how we felling bout Ej and jah kissing and stuff
Oh and don't forget to vote and subscribe YALL and hope y'all liked it muah 😘 love y'all

Oh and excuse me for the misspelles

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