[02] - [Shield]

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When the P.C. era began, mankind was lost. But the four major factions were quick to bring everything together again in a stable sense of peace and security. The Rune Corporation remained on Earth. APEX would primarily focus on weapons and combat based Dreadnoughts.

Cradle established its main colony on Mars, scattered smaller groups across the three major planets and had a goal of trying to find a new source of energy for humanity that went beyond the synthetic Ion humanity created. Vanadis focused more on the works of cybernetics and technology while also sharing the same goal as Cradle.

However, it was Vanadis solely responsible for the creation of the synthetic Ion and passing it to the other three factions. It would be their substitute until a new energy could be used. But not only did Vanadis and Cradle share the goals, heads among the two were sisters Kate and Erin, going into Vanadis and Cradle respectively, for among their scientists and leaders, these two know more about the Ion than any other.

* * * * * *

"I... I lost..." Gale said to himself in disbelief.

The cockpit of the Polaris opened and Nerissa looked in, seeing Gale simply sitting in the cockpit, "You're still alive, aren't you?" Nerissa asked.

"Y-yeah..." Gale said.

Reaching her hand into the cockpit, Gale took it and pulled himself out. Back on his feet, he and Nerissa looked to the Raven as it fell to its knees.

"Now that he has proven himself by beating you, I'm making Azuma and his Raven my shield."

"The hell? What do you mean by that?! Where is this coming from?!"

Nerissa looked at Gale, "Why must you yell. But didn't I tell you? Guess when you stormed off I forgot to mention it."

The cockpit of the Raven opened and Azuma climbed out. Looking around, he turned to face both Nerissa and Gale before giving them a small wave, "I decided and meant to tell you that should Azuma prove himself a good pilot, I'd like for him to be my shield."

"Damn that kid." Gale said under his breath.

Climbing down the Dreadnought, Azuma took a step forward, coming to Nerissa, but as he took that step forward, Azuma suddenly fell to the ground, losing consciousness a moment after.

The battle was seen by many, all in both shock and awe at the Raven's victory. Adding to the belief people were having about it from Venus only made these fires of interest grow.

The battle had even forced Noir to come closer to the monitors displaying the Raven, her eyes growing with curiosity like the others for once, "A Dreadnought of Venus... of APEX..."

With the battle over, both Dreadnoughts were returned to the hangar while Azuma had been taken to the building's medical wing as he was no longer responsive either due to the strain of the battle or because of piloting for the first time, or some combination of the two.

A few days would pass, but Azuma still hadn't woken up. Almost every day, Nerissa would come to his room, but every time she came, Azuma was still unconscious.

Leaving the room, Nerissa stopped as she saw a young man waiting for her, Victor Babylon. Giving a momentary glance, she said nothing and walked away, "What? No greeting?" Victor asked as he followed her, "And why would I give you any greeting?" Victor simply laughed her comment off, "I would sooner give Eld better treatment."

"Why are you so interested in that guy?" Victor asked, "Honestly, it seems like a waste to constantly be coming here just to get the same treatment."

"What do you call what you're doing?"

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