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Scream Johanna when she saw the outside : The sky was blue and filled with beautiful white clouds, the kingdom of Sacrainaetis shone with gold and splendor, the houses were intact, the birds sang, the dragons flew and the inhabitants peacefully lived their ordinary  daily lives !
Everything was perfect !
Magiko moved forward to take full advantage of the sun when he felt a hand behind him.
-Hey brother !
Magiko turned around and looked at the Draqui king, alive in blood and bones !
Big tears came to his eyes then he rushed towards his brother to take him in his arms.
Normally he would have wanted to assassinate him, but all these years he was reminded that in the end he loved his brother very much and that peace was always healthier than war !
They patted each other on the back then the Draqui kings left, so they could discuss so many topics together !
Magiko didn't take much longer for being with MechaPhoenix again and White Iron and James was flirting together again to.

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