walmart brand notebook

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**Gwen's POV**

I was over at Courtney's house, trying to help her look for some notebook she lost. She is digging all through her closet, she stripped her bed, her room just looked like a mess.

"Court, maybe you just misplaced it, I'm sure it'll show up eventually," I tried to comfort her to no avail. Clearly she was in another one of her moods, because she stood up from in her closet and slapped me across the face.

I wince, but can't seem to get her out of her funk. "I swear, if one more person tells me that," she mutters angrily under her breath. I couldn't tell what she was really angry about, the fact she can't find her diary, or the fact she probably left it at Duncan's house and just isn't going to get it back any time soon.

"Do you want me to go check my house a second time?" I ask calmly, trying to not upset her more than she already is.

I swear, there's something in her brain that's only driven by pure rage.

"Yes, go, leave me alone!" She yells at me. I didn't do anything to her, but she's clearly pissed so I'm just going to go along with it.

"Okay, Jesus Christ.." I say to myself as I leave her house. I'm not going to look for that god damn notebook.

It's a notebook.

Freaking Walmart brand, just buy a new one...

I walk home in silence, there was another person walking in the opposite direction as me, but I didn't think much of it. We had both been lost in thought, we didn't realize we were about to crash right into each other.

I run right into him, falling backwards, and knocking him back slightly. I get up and immediately apologize.

"I am so sorry, I must've not noticed you..."

I trail off as I notice who it was I was looking at. Duncan..

//authors note// yes, leaving off on a cliffhanger, I'm gonna absolutely do the world tour love triangle because I have no life!!! 🤩🤩🤩🤩💕💕💕💕 uh but for realsies, feeling like drama and so this is how I'll do it. Gwen doesn't lose anything this chapter except her dignity lmao

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