♡Claire x Fem!Reader Pt 2

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Enjoy the music above!!

Reader POV:
   I was just sitting down on my desk and doodling, I wasn't really in the mood for much. I just wanted class to be dismissed. As I was doodling, two people walked up to me. “Hello?” I asked them.

  “Pfft, you're so bad at drawing,” they said. “It's not like you can draw any better,” responded another person unamused, it was Claire. “Don't worry Claire, I don't really take it personally”. “Oh, alright.” She responded akwardly.

   I sat down at a bench after class and just started reading. I saw Claire walk by holding some books and other stuff. While walking, she dropped one of them. It was labelled “Claire's Diary”. I didn't want to invade her privacy but, i grew more curious every second.
She wouldn't mind right? As I opened a page somewhere in the book.

  “May 19, 2024
      I met this girl while passing through the hallways, she felt like just an ordinary girl at first but, something about her.. made her, stand out from the rest. My eyes are always focusing on her. And yet I don't know why? Maybe I have feelings for her. My gaze is locked around her. I can't seem to make this feeling go away. I don't understand why I feel this way to her but I just really do.”

   My eyes widened in shock, I sort of felt the same way, how come she's not questioning about liking a girl? Maybe it's just me. But I really don't think I should've read this. I should return it to her..
    As I returned the book Claire looked at me nervously, “Oh dear. did you ready anything here?” she said quite anxious. I froze, I didn't know what to say? Should I lie? But this is my chance? My mind flooded
Maybe, what if it would ruin our friendship if I told her that I read a part of it?

(337 words)

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