The Library

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The library was Emily Davis's sanctuary. Surrounded by the comforting scent of old books, she sat at her usual corner table, engrossed in a hefty volume on astrophysics. The sound of footsteps approaching broke her concentration.

Tanner: (with a teasing smile) "Hey, Einstein. What's that, your latest bedtime story?"

Emily looked up, surprised to see tanner Grayson standing in front of her. She quickly pushed her glasses up her nose, her cheeks flushing.

Emily: (stammering) "It's... it's a book on dark matter."

Tanner pulled out a chair and sat down, much to Emily's discomfort.

Tanner: "I bet it's outstanding. Listen, I need your help. I'm flunking Mr smith's science class, and if I don't pass, I'm off the basketball team. Can you tutor me?"

Emily blinked, processing the request. The most popular boy in school was asking for her help?

Emily: (hesitant) "I... I suppose I could help. But are you sure? I mean, there are probably others—"

Tanner: (interrupts her) "No, it has to be you. Everyone says you're the smartest."

Emily nodded slowly, still bewildered by this turn of events.

Emily: "Alright. We can start tomorrow after school?"

Tanner: (grinning) "Perfect. Thanks, Emily. You're a lifesaver."

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