and now a chapter where I thank everyone too many times.🍋‍🟩

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Hiya lovely people! I just got back from my vacation and looked at the poll results. I promise I am working as hard as I can to get the first part out to ya'll as soon as possible. 

Also if you haven't checked out my other KOTLC fanfic, Hidden, please check it out. It has an actual plot and stuff, plus loads of SoKeefe. Thanks!

Alright now time to get done to the matter which I actually made this for. 

*Me briefly looking at how many reads this entire thing got*

*Chokes on water*


SERIOUSLY, WHAT?? I was gone for like two weeks, my ships aren't even that good! I can't believe how many views I got. At most I expected like 20-30 views. I know you all are probably bored of me thanking you but still...THANK YOU!

Alright I'm done now.

I looked at my demographics thingy or whatever it is and I realized what a crazy spread of people reading my story. I mean, take a look at the world map of where people are reading from:

 I mean, take a look at the world map of where people are reading from:

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Here is a list of the countries I have readers from:












New Zealand

That's 12 different countries. Wow. Anyways I should probably work on the next chapter. Bye for now!

Ah! I almost forgot, quick shoutouts to my amazing followers:






Alright that's it.


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