5. The First Lesson

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The rest of the week went by at a snail's pace, much to my dismay. The only thing that didn't, was the homework that we kept getting. It all bundled up day after day. The worst thing of all is that this is only the first week. Gosh, I can't imagine the homework we'll get in the other weeks.

My alarm rang at seven in the morning. I mean, I set it up myself, but still, the feeling to hammer it to death wasn't less. The audacity to ruin my beauty sleep.

Currently, I'm in the bathroom brushing my teeth. Olivia is still sleeping, with no care in the world about how much homework has been given to us.

I internally sigh and rinse my mouth. Then, after brushing my hair, I step into the shower and wash myself.

The usual morning routine.

I take my sweet time doing all of it, though. There's no hurry today. This is part of the reason why I woke up at seven today. I wash my hair with my lavender shampoo, and my body with a scented soap that I bought I don't remember when.

After I'm done, I wrap a towel around my body and head to my room. I put on black shorts and an oversized red t-shirt. I check the time to see that it's only 8 o'clock right now. My time to study starts at 9, which means that I can do whatever I want to do for one hour.

A small smile washes over my face as I make my way over to my laptop. I open Netflix and resume the movie that I was watching, To All the Boys I've Loved Before. It remains my comfort movie till date, and I've lost count of how many times I've watched this movie. There is something about romcoms that always gets me. Something about the giggles, the love, the sweetness. It feels colourful.

The first movie ends, and I go to the second movie. I'm only a few minutes in the movie, when I check the time.

It's almost 9.

Okay, only 5 minutes more and I'll start studying.

I'm about to procrastinate further after five minutes, but I suddenly hear the ringing of the doorbell. I furrow my eyebrows, and then check the time again. It's exactly nine right now. No one is supposed to come today. Should I really open the door? What if it's-

My train of thoughts is cut off by another impatient ringing of the bell. I heave an exasperated sigh, and get off my bed. I exit my room and walk towards the main door. Suddenly, my eye catches the image of a steel plate lying on the sofa in the small living room. Without any second thought, I grab it. If the person behind it has come to murder me or something, I'll simply smack them in the head with it.

Before the person can irritate me again by the bell, I open the door, and my breath is knocked out of my lungs. Xavier King is standing outside of my apartment door.

My brain wholly blanks out for a few seconds, and then it comes smashing back to me.

I completely forgot about the tutoring.

I shared my address with him last night. I would have panicked, but my focus lies completely on my outfit. The red t-shirt completely covers my shorts, making it look like I have worn nothing under it. Now, this asshole probably thinks I've done it to seduce him or something. If I had remembered, I would've probably worn something better—and less revealing—for my own sake. I like dressing up.

He, on the other hand, looks extremely dishevelled, yet so put together. It has come to my knowledge that this is his usual style. His hair looks soft and uncombed, but in a way that makes them fall neatly over his eyes in black waves. His skin looks flawless. He is wearing a black t-shirt that outlines his muscles and rock-hard abs. I wonder for how many hours he exercises to have a body like this. This is paired with black pants that, thank the heavens, are not skinny.

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