The Oracle

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"I curse you! I curse you! I curse all of you! There will be a day when they will come down to the earth and deliver justice! They will save their loyal followers and condemn the false prophets! All of you will be judged! Nobody is safe from judgment! May all of you perish under the wrath of the holy fires of heaven and hell!"

The last words recorded from a believer, executed on the Second Month of 802 AD. This particular subject was charged as a heretic in the Kingdom of Liniria during the Recovery Ages when believing in religions other than the state religion was illegal.


The Oracle was looking out into the sea, feeling the sea breeze as she leaned against the ship railing. In the distance, she could hear some noises from nearby flying birds. The crisp salty air filled her nose as she breathed in. The weather had a clear blue sky with some overhead clouds. The ship approached her homeland. The Oracle was coming home after a long missionary trip to the Venin continent to spread the word of the Almighty.

"We're nearing our destination! All hands on deck!"

The Oracle turned her head and saw the familiar yellow landscape slowly approaching. She finally arrived home. The crew in the ship began to maneuver the ship and prepared it for docking. As the Oracle looked out into the sea, she felt something touch her left shoulder. She turned to the left and saw nothing. When she turned to the right, a finger poked her cheek. Her friend was nearby, grinning.

"Nahia! You fell for it again!"

The Oracle sulked. "Adha! What was that for?"

Adha only grinned. "What? It's fun to tease you!" The Oracle only groaned in response.

The ship approached closer and closer to the harbor. As it got closer, the Oracle could see a couple of fishermen catching fish. The fishermen greeted her with a smile and wave when they saw her. She waved back, happy to see her people once again.

"Excuse me, Honorable Nabi."

The Oracle turned her head, wondering who called her. Behind her, a couple of crewmates waited for her response. She was a little annoyed when she heard the title.

"Papa! What did I say about calling me like that? You know I hate it when you call me that! Just call me Nahia as you did before!"

The captain only shook his head. "You know I can't do that. There is a difference between you and me. You are a very important religious figure while I am a mere sailor. There's a difference."

The Oracle sighed. Things between her and her adoptive father had gotten more awkward since she was titled Nabi. Both of them remained quiet before someone interrupted her thought process.

"Please forgive me for butting in, Honorable Nabi, but I have a small request that I beg you to accept."

"Oh? What is it?"

"Can you please give a small blessing to my son? He is currently very ill and is in constant pain. I wish to pray to the Almighty to help him recover from his illness."

"Can you describe a little?"

"He is a handsome young man who works as a teacher. He works with young kids and loves to play with them."

"I see. Let's pray then."

Adha stepped in and objected. "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid she cannot do that. The Nabi cannot give blessings arbitrarily. It is against the Holy Laws of Gahan."

The Oracle stopped her. "Adha! What are you doing? I can give a small prayer to the Captain! There's nothing wrong with his request!"

"Nahia! Don't you know how valuable your prayers are? You cannot just give it on a whim!" Her friend was worried because if the Oracle touched someone's hands, she would see future events of that person.

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