Chapter 5: Sensible Big Brother

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A year has passed since baby Aayan has been born, and now both of his mother were now present. Duchess Lilia retired from being a professor in the academy, while Duchess Zeva also solve her troublesome clan members in her family. The pass year for the Domhnall Household has been both happy and stressful for them, especially the parents who have their plates way too full and heavy for their shoulders.

They can solve their problems right away if they did their own way, but the problems was that they were facing quite a tricky situation that involves some aristrocratic families, who tried to frame the Ferrer Clan to treason to the Empire, making false accusations and proofs that they sell their weapons to their enemy, giving information about the strength of the army of the Empire Namorosa. Luckily, Duchess Zeva and her brothers got a whiff of information, even if it was small, which made them have suspicion and investigated it early on.

If Duchess Zeva hesitated to tell her brothers that something was wrong, the Ferrer Clan will be doomed, at worst the Domhnall Clan might be involved, at the minimum punishment will only be exciled and be a commoner , worse case of their punishment was that their bloodline will be cut off from 9 generations, their hard earned wealth and status will be wiped.

But after all of that, it has been very peaceful and happy inside the mountain, as if those troubles have never existed before and continues to spend time with each other, especially with baby Aayan.

It was quite a nice day for many, as peace lingers inside the Empire Namorosa..

Commoners live their life as usual, while young cultivators cultivate diligently,and cute little kids spend their day playing outside, enjoying life with no worries. The sun was bright, warm and cozy, while the air smelt freshly cut grass and comforting as the air flows by.

The trees were like rainbows of colors as it danced through the wind, swaying and dancing with its colorful leaves, giving off a relaxing rustling sound that would make you sleep peacefully.

Such peacefulness has always been envied by small nations, but even though the Empire of Namorosa, is also a small nation, they manage to keep things in check and maintain peace.

The Empire of Namorosa is one of the wealthiest empire in the south part of Deira Continent, a small nation compared to others yet many loves to invade.

Deira Continent* is a the 2nd largest continent in the Thelea Planet as it's size were a million times of the Earth, almost comparable to the sun, while the Deira continent was a lot larger than the earth's surface, in fact it was estimated to be the size of the total surface of the 3 Jupiters.

In the planet of Thelea, there are 4 continets. The northern continent, the southern continent, the eastern continent and lastly the western continent. These four continent were almost unconnected by how wide the space of the in between of each continent. The nearest to the north were the eastern continent, while the western continent were also nearest to the southern continent, the two continents were almost parallel to each other as there is a wide gap of ocean, where powerful oceanic and lava kind of magic beasts lives, which was at the middle of all four continents.

The only way that you could pass through the other side is by waypoint, which was very expensive and mana draining, or by flying through the ocean, which basically means plating yourself to the grim reaper. Though this part will be mentioned in another time...

Baby Aayan looks up to his brother, opening his mouth as he taps his brother for another bite. His pink gums now has two pairs of teeth,drooling as he eyed the fruit from his brother's fork.

" Fwut, bwother...WED! " Baby Aayan shouts to get his brother's attention as shooks his brothers sleeves and tries to reach the fork that his brother was holding.

The fruit that he wants to eat so much, was a watermelon. The watermelon that they were eating was a hybrid one as it contains healthy nutrients as well as a restoring mana, which will help to make any mages feel refreshed everytime they eat.

" No lil' brother, tummy will hurts" Aryan says in a baby tone as he motions baby Aayan stomach, saying that if he eats more his tummy will hurt. Clearly baby Aayan was adamant to eat more of it but hesitated when he thought that his stomach would hurt, because the last time that he was overfeed of watermelon mana, his po*p completely became watery and the stink was so bad that even himself was embarrassed. His baby face was full of expression, as if there was an illusion written ' reluctance' and 'I want to eat more but I can't ' above his head. After a moment, he slumped his weight and lean back to his big brother. Big Brother Aryan sighs as he took out something from his spatial ring, to coax his little brother. It was a Blood Red core. The core was taken from a pool of blood of magic beasts who had fight to death. Somehow, after decades, their blood that was full of mana mixed and created a new core. This type of core can be dangerous if not purified in a month, as it will try to possess another living being/magic beasts and eats up the existing core to become a new core. Though the cultivation rank of the magic beast will increase in a rapid pace, but it will wreck a havoc as it will be painful as long as it lives, almost making the beast insane.

But of course, the one that Aryan was giving to his brother is a purified one, the Blood Red core is supposed to be given to his griffin for his cultivation.

Right now Aryan is now seven years old. After the time that his mothers and father doesnt have much time to spend time with him last year, he spend most of his time with his baby brother, hence he became more sensible and an expert in taking care of his brother. The parents felt very guilty that they have to rely on their young son to take care of his a month old brother, and heartbroken that they couldn't spend time to their sons almost most of the time, so they tried their best to clear things up and clean up the dirty noblesse.

" Yeahehehe! Thank you bwother, do you have more?" The spoiled baby Aayan asks with glistenning eyes as he turns around from his lap and stood up, balancing himself to stand up to his brother's lap. Big brother Aryan holds his brother's chubby hands as his other hand were behind Aayan's, in case he fell suddenly.

After he balance himself and stood up, he grips Aryan blond hair, gently so that he wouldn't occupy Aryans hand.

"Hurry hurry! Shiny balls give me more! " Baby Aayan says gleefully, smiling so wide that his four teeth show.

"Now now, what is happening here?" Duke Easton says with a smile as he enters the dining area, followed by his two wives, Duchess Zeva and Duchess Lilia, who wore matching green silk pajamas.

" Good morning Father, Good morning Mommy, Goodmorning Mother" Aryan says with a wide smile on his face, puckers his lips for a kiss.

" Good morning Fathew...Good morning Mommy, Good morning mothew! " Baby Aayan says as he copies his brother puckering his lips for a kiss.

The three laughs as they one by one kissed their sons and ruffles their hair. Duchess Lilia took his son, who was still standing to Aryan's lap, and seated him besides Aryan on the baby chair.

Soon, the three sits on ther respective places. The table was designed to be circle so that they can give each other food and within reach.

"Papa, wed food!" Baby Aayan says with glistening eyes which made Duke Easton, already soft heart for his sons, melt. He sliced cubes of watermelon and put it inside Aayan's bowl.

The big brother sighs inwardly and helps baby Aayan eat his snack as he also sneaks to eat to lessen baby Aayan's consumption.

After a good 30 minutes of bonding and catching up with their eldest son, of his studies, feeding dog foods early in the morning to the audiences while baby Aayan smiles like no tomorrow, they had finished eating their breakfast

It was another peaceful day in the Domhnall Manor


[ A/N: this is unedited, pls point out any grammatical error or anything that made you confuse so that I can fix it immediately🤗]

*Feeding dog food=A chinese slang that means excessive flirting, display of affection in front of people(to single peoples)

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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