Chapter 3 ~ after the fact ~

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Stu took Anurak back to his parents house and told him to go and take a bath while he made him a cup of sweet tea to calm him. He asked him if he was hungry but Rak couldn't even imagine eating right now, he didn't think he would be able to keep anything down.

After making the tea, Stu took it up to the guest bedroom where Rak was sleeping and knocked on the door.

"I'm decent" Anurak called out so Stu walked inside.

"here bro' drink this ..., do you want to talk about it?" Stu asked his best friend.

"it was awful Stu, all I did was help an old lady and now I regret it, I feel like I never want to help anyone ever again"

"yes I can imagine, so what the fuck happened?"

"I'm not sure to be honest? all I did was help her to fasten her seat belt and then after we landed I helped her to unfasten it and then I stayed with her until we left arrivals and handed her over to him ... the grandson,

I could have understood it, I mean the poor dear lost something and I would have been only too happy to help if I could but I was fast asleep in my bed bro' ... I was woken up by a loud bang which I can only assume was them kicking my door in and then three men burst into my bedroom, it was terrifying"

"yes, I can imagine"

"well basically I was accused of stealing whatever 'it' was and they took me to the police station and the Doctor ... he ... oh god Stu, it hurt so much, I'd be surprised if I'm not bleeding down there"

"I'm so sorry Rak" Stu said not knowing what to say.

"it's not your fault Stu, it is what it is but thank you all the same and thanks for coming" Anurak said.

"you don't have to thank me Rak, we're best mates, more than best mates, we always will be and if that bastard comes anywhere near you again, let me know, I'll get my dad to file an injunction or something" Stu said.

"I don't think I'll ever see him again, I imagine he's too embarrassed" Rak said.

"he didn't strike me as the type to get embarrassed to be honest mate" Stu said.

"yeah, you could be right about that ..."

Stu sat with him until he had finished his tea before taking the empty mug and tucking him in,

"just get some sleep Rak, things will look a lot brighter when you wake up I promise" Stu said before leaving the room.

He was at the sink washing the mug when his dad walked in,

"how is he?"

"he's sleeping right now but he was shook up, he said the Doctor hurt him as well, I need to go and bring him some medicine" Stu replied.

"ok, I'll stay here until you get back, ... you know who that guy was don't you?" his dad said.

"no and I don't give a crap to be honest dad"

"I know son, it's not surprising but I should tell you nonetheless ... his name is Niran Khornachakim, he's one of the richest men in the country, not as rich as Kiri Jongcheveevat but he's right up there and I can't really include Dominic Gold or Viktor Petranakhov because they are both only half thai but still ..."

"no disrespect dad but so what? the guy is an asshole" Stu said.

"I know son and I agree with you but you should be careful, if that guy had pressed charges he could have gotten you locked away for a very long time and I wouldn't have been able to help you, look I know you love Rak, we all do but you can't go around punching people, you were lucky this time son but ..."

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