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Love..It holds so much ! 

No, having a sexual interaction with someone is not called as love. Love means something that's very beautiful. It holds so much of emotions,trust,hope, to be able to tolerate so much beyond our imagination, to have peace, delight, comfort in someone we admire the most !

Thank you for your absolute patience till now.

I present to you "Destined to the destiny"

A love that overcomes many questions, a love that overcomes all impossible things.

To hope and believe is something we have to do. And to do it is something very hard. To wait, to trust and believe if the person we love is someone who is meant to be ours or not.

A love that gives life to someone's soul. To be able to live confidently and peacefully for the entire lifetime, until we die. Knowing that there is someone who truly cares, admires, who are able to tolerate us for the rest of the lifetime. To be able to give their shoulders,arms and chest to lean onto.

So lets dig into the story now !


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