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Wassup y'all! How you guys doing ?
Sorry for the delay guys. But here we go ! Hope you like this chapter and also do let me know how it was. Well I got a lot of texts from many of you guys asking me to post ASAP.
And thank you for all those lovely texts on Instagram. It means a lot when you guys express how you felt.
Well let's dig in, shall we?



I was still too stunned to speak. My mind is still in its buffering mode.
Meanwhile.. my mother signalled me to come into the kitchen, and I gave her a weird look. You know? these all things going on here looks like some detective shit. Signalling me to sit properly, asking me to come into the kitchen via hand signals and all, weird.
While I entered the kitchen I could clearly see that there's something going on. My mother was is a hurry running from one corner to the other, while drops of sweats formed on her forehead I could clearly notice that something's wrong. So ofcourse! Would my stupid mind stop me from asking something? Nope, absolutely not. I want to know everything then itself. So I asked her..
"Mom!! What's wrong with you? Why did you yell at me on the phone asking me to come home quickly and asked me what I was wearing out of nowhere and now you're running here and there as if there is a marathon going on. What's happening here?"
While I was looking at her with my narrowed eyebrows..
"ANNELIA fast go and give these to the guests", she said while handing me a tray with three coffee cups on it.
"Mom? What's goin-g "
"Go Annelia fast",said my mom while shooing me to walk forward.

While I was taking slow steps. I could feel all of them looking at me.
My hands shaking. While my brain has entered into its extreme numb situational thing. It was asking me to drop the hot coffee on the floor. Oh my god, isn't it weird of how the brain works when you're absolutely nervous and scared of screwing up things and your brain knowing that asks you to actually screw up the things that you don't want to screw up.

C'mon Annelia you can do this! It's just you handing over them the cup of coffee. But wait, remember what mom said in the kitchen? "ANNELIA while you're handing them the coffee please give them a gentle smile and get rid of your seriously narrowed eyebrows,please?" So yes all you have to do is give them the coffee while passing on a gentle smile.

"Ugh Annelia concentrate, concentrate" I said this to myself. While my hands were shaking vigorously and my legs were feeling numb. Maybe I never felt this numbness even when I used to run 1500m in my athletics competition in front of more than 400 people.
But why do I feel so nervous now?
My head held low, my heart beating at its highest pace,my hands and legs shaking. I wish you could just imagine my position now like exactly that. You would laugh at me on spot.

While I took a glimpse of my brother, I clearly noticed him cracking up while I was going thru so much. He is so annoying.
He walked towards me while hiding his mouth with his right palm. He came closer to me and said, "Anne please walk properly (while cracking up in between) while I just glared at him.. "You honestly look like a duck which running because it's scared to get caught in trap and get eaten at any moment" saying that Ken giggled in my ear.

While I just paused for a moment and looked at my condition. And yes, it was very funny.
"Gosh Anne why are you walking so funny?" Said my mom who was walking towards me from my back.

"Okay Anne, you can do this", I said to myself as I walked slowly but elegantly this time. While I was getting closer and closer to the Augustus family my heart started racing faster and faster.

"Mr & Mrs. Augustus?" I said while offering them the coffee.
'Thank you Annelia dear' said Mr.Augustus with a gentle smile on his face while taking his cup of coffee from the tray.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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