Aditi and Dhruvi

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Aditi and Dhruv (14:00 pm)

‘ Dhruvi?’

Aditi walked into the kitchen but stopped in her tracks when she saw Dhruv standing near the stove.

‘ Yeah baby?’

Aditi's heart skipped a beat as he turned around and smiled at her.

‘ Um.. Shreyas came back home for a few days…he's asking us to join him for dinner …’ she mumbled, fumbling with her fingers.

‘ Sounds good…everyone else joining as well?’

Dhruv inhaled the aroma of the cardamom and cinnamon before he added it to the chai.

‘ Probably..’

Aditi took a good look at him, who was wearing a white kurta and blue jeans, his soft eyes focused on what he was doing. They met on a blind date and in just a few months, they were smitten over each other. When he asked her to marry him, he couldn't even complete the sentence, before she jumped on him screaming yes. One year later, they were still falling in love with each other.

‘ Dhruvi..?’

Aditi wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his back.

‘ Hmm…?’

‘Thank you …’

‘ For what?’

‘ Supporting me …always loving me, being patient with me when I'm being unreasonable’

Dhruv laughed as he turned around. He gently pulled her close and stroked her cheek.

‘ you do the same for me, baby…’

Aditi felt her heart beat getting faster. She didn't know if it was his strong arms around her waist, or the smell of the minty shower gel or his rough fingers touching her cheeks. She didn't wait to think, she grabbed him by the collar and pulled him into a kiss.

Dhruv was a bit surprised at first, but quickly sank into the kiss. His hands wandered on her back before it made its way to her neck as he pulled her closer. She gripped his kurta tightly and moaned as she felt his hands slip into her shirt.

‘ Dhruvi. ..’ Aditi said breathlessly.

Dhruv picked her up and made her sit on the kitchen counter. She helped him take off his kurta and pulled him into a kiss again, wrapping her legs around his waist. He worked on her shirt and quickly slipped it off her shoulders and threw it onto the floor. He pulled away from her and stared at her amazed.

‘ What..?’ she asked, blushing.

Dhruv didn't say anything, he just grabbed her face and kissed her passionately, savoring the taste of kiwi from her lip gloss. He left a string of kisses on her neck as he moved down on her, making her moan, taking time to pleasure her. Aditi felt ecstatic, she loved being touched by him in any way possible. Whether it was like this, or simply just holding hands.

‘ Baby..’

‘ Hmm?’

‘ um, is mom and dad upset with me?’

Both of them were still on the counter, after the second round,  wrapped in each other's arms. Dhruv who was resting his head on Aditi’s chest, looked up at her.

‘ Why would they be?’

‘ Because it's been one year and I can't give you a kid?’ she said disheartened.

‘ Baby…we will have a kid when are's been just one year to us. We didn't even have a proper honeymoon yet..’

Dhruv lied down besides her and pulled her into a hug.

‘ But they…’

‘ Let them say what they want to say…we will have kids when we are both ready for it, okay? Plus i want you for myself a few more years ..’

Aditi smiled and buried her face on his chest.

‘ once we get a kid, we won't be able to have sex in the kitchen counter, or the sofa or in front of the fire place…’

‘ Stop listing all the places!’ Aditi laughed and playfully hit him.

‘ We will be fine, love…don't get disheartened about them’

Aditi nodded and kissed him softly.

‘ Ah…wear that new dress you bought for dinner tonight’

‘ The black off the shoulders one? Baby, I'm covered in bite marks, I can't wear that!’

Dhruv winced as he looked at her shoulders and neck and bruised breasts.

‘ Sorry…’

‘ Eh…I wanted this. I can wear the other little black dress..’

‘ With nothing from the inside?’ Dhruv teased.

‘ Dhruv Jurel, you pervert!’

Aditi tried to get off the counter but was pulled back into his arms.

‘ We can do it in the car …come on!’ he whined playfully.

‘ You are a police officer! We could get caught’

‘ I know all the right places where they won't catch us…come on baby’ he pouted.

‘ Fine, but I will be on top’

‘ Oh I would love that!’

Aditi leaned into his chest and wrapped his arms around her.

‘ You are the best thing that ever happened to me, Dhruv Jurel’

‘ yeah? You know Aditi, I like to think that you are the reward to all the good deeds I must have done in my past life’.

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