Major and Puppy

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Shreyas and Tilak (17:00 pm)

‘ Moony, calm down! Wait till mom is done..!’ Shreyas laughed as he tried to calm the husky down.

The husky barked and jumped on him, trying to lick his face, its wagging tail hitting Shreyas's mom who stood behind it.

‘ okay Moony, we will wait till you are done, I guess’ the mom joked.

Shreyas bent down and hugged the husky, kissing it on the head, squishing its cheeks together.

‘ I missed you too baby!’

The dog eventually calmed down and sat down besides the parents as they welcomed Shreyas home after three months.

‘ I missed you mom’

Shreyas took blessings from his mother and smiled as she performed the aarti on him.

‘ jiite raho’ his father blessed him before embracing him.

‘ How is the army treating you, Major Shreyas Iyer?’ his father asked as they walked into the house.

‘ Army is good dad, everything is going well’

‘ Do you need to talk about all this now? Let him freshen up first.’

Shreyas laughed and hugged his mother.

‘ I do need a shower first…’

‘ Go and freshen up, we can have evening tea together…’

Shreyas opened the door to his room and was taken by surprise at what he saw.

‘ Wha…’ he breathlessly said as he slowly walked into the room.

Tilak stood in the middle of the room, smiling widely, holding an enormous bouquet of red roses.

‘ Baby…what's all…what's all this?’

‘ it's a rose for each day you were away from me. So um…90 roses?’ Tilak said pressing the bouquet against Shreyas's chest.

Shreyas laughed as he admired the roses.

‘ It's almost as beautiful as you…’ Shreyas whispered, pulling Tilak into his arms.

Tilak wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. He waited three months to feel Shreyas’s lips against his. Three months to feel his strong arms wrapping around his waist as he pulled him closer.

‘ I missed you so much,’ Shreyas said breathlessly as he pulled away.

He took a good look at Tilak, who's chocolate brown skin was turning red as he started to blush. He ran his long fingers across his messy hair as he mumbled something to Shreyas. Shreyas didn't wait to hear what he said, he pulled Tilak into his arms, picked him up and threw him onto the bed before he got on top of him.

‘ Shreyas, mom and dad might hear…’

‘ Well then, you will just have to be quiet then..’ he whispered as he tore off Tilak's shirt.

Tilak was biting his lips till he tasted blood. He wanted to moan as Shreyas licked every inch of him, he wanted to scream as Shreyas pushed himself in. Shreyas stared at the moon phase tattoo on Tilak's spine, glistening in sweat as he arched his back with each thrust.

Shreyas pulled out and made Tilak turn to him before he pushed himself again, this time going faster as he was closing to a climax.

‘ fuck, this feels so so good. I missed this so much!’ Shreyas moaned.

Tilak buried his face on Shreyas and whimpered, his nails digging into Shreyas's back as he came. Shreyas groaned and bit Tilak's shoulder as he finally climaxed.

Shreyas sat up, breathing heavily and stared at Tilak who was trying to wipe the cum off himself.

‘ You look so cute covered in cum..’

Tilak stuck his tongue out at him.

‘ Oh come on puppy, I was just teasing..’

‘ You think mom and dad will know that we were doing this?’

‘ Well obviously..’

‘ Finally! Took your sweet time huh’ Mr. Iyer said when he saw Shreyas and Tilak making their way across the lawn.

‘ Tilak took his time to welcome me..’

Tilak gasped turning crimson and nudged Shreyas away, almost knocking him over.

Shreyas came out to his parents two years ago, when he had met Tilak. At first they were in denial but then eventually made peace with the fact that this was their son, he did nothing wrong. He just fell in love with a simple boy who brought their son with so much joy and happiness. Tilak was as good to them as Shreyas was, visiting them whenever he could. They eventually warmed up to their relationship, the only condition was, the army could never find out about Shreyas, and Tilak accepted it before Shreyas could say anything against it.

All of them sat down and laughed over tea, as they talked about Mr. Iyers time in the military and how hard it was for Mrs Iyer to be a military wife. They talked about Tilak’s bar, and how he wanted to open and outlet in another city.

‘ So beta, I am hearing from some of the seniors that you were planning on trying out for the special forces?’

Tilak paused mid sip and went pale as he saw Shreyas nodding.

‘ What…?’ he stammered.

Everyone looked at him worried.

‘ Beta..are you?’

Tilak didn't wait to hear the rest, he got up and walked away.  It was bad enough Shreyas was away from him, now he has to live with the fear that he might not come back home at all.

‘ Puppy, wait!’ Shreyas called as he went after him.

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