The reunion and a proposal.

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Midnight Diner ( 21:00)

‘ What is this place?!’ Shubman asked, stepping out of the car.

“ Oh my god, I can't believe this place is still here! We used to come here all the time when we were in school and through our college. I thought they closed this place down!’ Ishaan said in excitement.

They stared at a small building, with a low red roof, and white walls with the paint peeling off. Shubman looked skeptically at the name board which read ‘ Midnight Diner’ in faded blue color.

‘ Are we going to get food poisoning from here?’ Shubman mumbled.

‘ Oh stop it, the inside isn't that bad..and the food is really good’ Ishaan replied.

‘ Ishaan!’

Ishaan turned around to see Shreyas and Tilak coming towards them.

‘ SHREY!’ Ishaan screamed and jumped on Shreyas hugging him tightly.

‘ kaisey ho Jaani?’

‘ I'm good yaare. I missed you!’ Ishaan said letting go of him.

‘ Tilak! How are you?’ Ishaan asked, giving him a side hug while Shubman hugged Shreyas.

‘ Where's Aditi?’

‘ She will be here in a few minutes..’

They stood outside waiting for her arrival, staring at the building in front of them.

‘ How did you find this place?’ Ishaan asked Shreyas.

Shreyas shrugged and laughed.

‘ It just appeared out of nowhere, making me realize that we haven't met in a long time…so here we are’

‘ I'm still skeptical about this place’ Shubman mumbled.

‘ oh loosen up Shubhi…’ Ishaan held him arms and shook him slightly, making Shubman laugh.

‘ Oh my god, this place!’ Aditi's voice rang through the almost empty parking lot.

They all turned around and saw her walking towards them, hand in hand with Dhruv.

‘ Damn, she's hot’ both Ishaan and Shreyas mumbled.

‘ Hi my babies!’ she screamed, pulling them into a group hug.

Dhruv exchanged hugs with the rest of them while Aditi was done hugging Ishaan and Shreyas.

‘ Let's just order our usual?’ Aditi asked, flipping through the menu.

‘ Is there…is there a story behind this place? I feel as though I'm in a 70’s diner or something…’ Dhruv asked, his eyes wandering over the interiors.

Cream walls full of pop icons, black and white checkered floor, little booth with red sofas.

‘ oh I think the owner really liked the idea of diners I guess….’ Ishaan said in an unsure tone.

‘ We never bothered asking, we loved being in here…so many memories…’ Aditi looked around in wonder.

They ordered their usual fried chicken burgers, with a large fries portion, a side of salad and large chocolate milkshakes.

All of them dived into their food, laughing over old memories and stories about simpler times. Aditi had her first date in that diner. Shreyas kissed a girl and a boy on the same night in the exact booth they were sitting in. They had all gathered in that same diner after Ishaan's first break up. So many sweet memories which would stay engraved in their hearts and within the walls of that old diner.

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