part 2

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Taehyung soon found out why Jungkook had been staring at him. The whispers around school confirmed his worst fears: Jungkook was the school bully, and he had taken a particular dislike to Taehyung. It started with snide comments in the hallway, subtle enough to go unnoticed by teachers but sharp enough to sting.

"Nice glasses, nerd," Jungkook sneered as he walked past, his friends snickering behind him. Taehyung kept his head down, but his mouth couldn't help but respond.

"Thanks, jerk. They help me see how ugly your personality is," Taehyung shot back, his heart racing. Jungkook's friends burst into laughter, and Jungkook's eyes narrowed dangerously.

The bullying escalated quickly. One day, Taehyung found his locker filled with trash. Old papers, empty soda cans, and banana peels tumbled out when he opened it, the stench overwhelming. Jungkook and his friends stood nearby, laughing uproariously.

"Oops, looks like someone mistook your locker for a trash can," Jungkook jeered, his eyes glinting with malice.

"Must've thought it was your mouth," Taehyung retorted, his voice shaking. The laughter stopped abruptly, and Jungkook stepped closer, his face inches from Taehyung's.

"What did you just say?" Jungkook's voice was low, dangerous.

"You heard me," Taehyung said, refusing to back down, even though his legs felt like jelly. "You talk so much trash, it's hard to tell the difference."

Jungkook's friends exchanged nervous glances, but Jungkook just smiled, a cold, unsettling smile. "You're going to regret that," he promised.

Another time, during gym class, Jungkook "accidentally" threw a basketball at Taehyung's head, knocking his glasses off and leaving him dazed. As Taehyung scrambled to retrieve his glasses, the gym echoed with laughter.

"Maybe you should sit out, wouldn't want you to break those precious glasses," Jungkook mocked, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Taehyung stood up, rubbing his sore head. "Maybe you should aim better, wouldn't want you to look like a pathetic bully," he snapped, his voice trembling. Jungkook's expression darkened, and he shoved Taehyung hard, making him stumble.

Lunchtime was no refuge either. Jungkook would trip Taehyung as he walked by, sending his tray of food crashing to the floor. "Oops, clumsy me," Jungkook would say with a smirk, while Taehyung knelt on the ground, cheeks burning with humiliation as he picked up the scattered food.

"Wow, didn't know you were into floor dining," Taehyung muttered loudly, trying to keep his voice steady. "Guess you have to practice somewhere."

Jungkook's face twisted in anger, and he kicked the tray out of Taehyung's hands, sending food flying everywhere. "Shut up, loser," he growled, his eyes blazing with fury.

The bullying even followed Taehyung into the classroom. Jungkook would pass cruel notes or whisper insults just loud enough for Taehyung to hear but too low for the teacher to notice. "You're such a loser," Jungkook would hiss during group projects, ensuring that Taehyung felt isolated and unwanted.

"Better a loser than a psychopath," Taehyung would whisper back, his voice barely audible but filled with defiance. Jungkook's hand would clench into a fist, but he would keep his anger in check, for the moment.

Taehyung's heart sank deeper with each passing day. No matter how hard he tried to avoid Jungkook, the bullying was relentless. Taehyung couldn't understand why Jungkook hated him so much. Maybe it was because he was different, with his thick glasses and awkward posture, while Jungkook was effortlessly handsome and confident. Or perhaps it was because Taehyung came from a humble background, while Jungkook belonged to a wealthy royal family.

One particularly bad day, as Taehyung hurried to his next class, he found himself cornered by Jungkook and his friends. "What's the rush, four-eyes?" Jungkook sneered, shoving Taehyung against the lockers. Laughter echoed from the surrounding students, making Taehyung's face burn with shame.

Taehyung kept his head down, muttering an apology, but Jungkook wasn't done. "You think you can just walk around here like you belong? You're nothing but a loser."

Taehyung's fists clenched at his sides, frustration and confusion boiling inside him. He didn't understand why Jungkook singled him out, why he seemed to take pleasure in making his life miserable. All Taehyung wanted was to stay out of Jungkook's way, but it seemed impossible.

"Got nothing to say now, huh?" Jungkook taunted, his voice dripping with contempt. "Where's that smart mouth of yours?"

Taehyung looked up, his eyes blazing with defiance. "Right here, jerk. Got a problem with it?"

Jungkook's smile faded, replaced by a cold, calculating look. Without warning, he grabbed Taehyung by the collar and slammed him against the lockers. "You're really testing my patience," he hissed, his face inches from Taehyung's. "Maybe I should teach you a lesson."

Taehyung's heart pounded in his chest, but he refused to back down. "Go ahead, make my day," he spat, though his voice wavered slightly. "Show everyone what a big, tough guy you are, picking on someone smaller than you."

Jungkook's eyes flashed with anger, and he raised his fist, ready to strike. But just as he was about to hit Taehyung, a teacher rounded the corner, and Jungkook quickly let go, his expression turning innocent.

"Is everything alright here?" the teacher asked, looking between the two boys suspiciously.

"Just helping the new kid find his way," Jungkook said smoothly, his voice dripping with false sweetness. "Right, Taehyung?"

Taehyung glared at Jungkook, but he knew better than to contradict him in front of the teacher. "Yeah, just peachy," he muttered, straightening his collar.

As the days turned into weeks, Taehyung tried to keep a low profile, but Jungkook's bullying continued. Each encounter left Taehyung feeling more defeated and isolated. He couldn't help but wonder what he had done to deserve such treatment.

Then, one afternoon, as Taehyung sat alone in the library, Jungkook's friend approached him. "Hey, Taehyung," the boy said, his tone unexpectedly gentle. "There's something you should know about Jungkook. It's not what you think."

Taehyung looked up, curiosity piqued. "What do you mean?"

The boy glanced around nervously before leaning in. "Just... talk to him. You'll see."

With that cryptic advice, the boy walked away, leaving Taehyung with more questions than answers. Why would Jungkook's friend suggest talking to him? And what was he supposed to find out?

As Taehyung packed up his things and headed home, his mind raced with possibilities. What could Jungkook possibly be hiding? And how was Taehyung supposed to uncover the truth?

One thing was certain: the mystery surrounding Jungkook had only deepened, and Taehyung was determined to find out why the school's biggest bully had taken such an interest in him.

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