Part 5

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As the day progressed, the embarrassment from the bathroom incident lingered between Taehyung and Jungkook. They avoided eye contact and kept their interactions to a minimum, each trying to pretend that nothing had happened.

However, fate seemed to have other plans for them. Later that day, they found themselves in a situation that was even more embarrassing than the bathroom incident.

They were at a formal dinner hosted by Jungkook's family, where they were expected to behave with utmost decorum. Taehyung, still feeling self-conscious from the earlier incident, was on edge, trying to avoid any further embarrassment.

But as luck would have it, during the dinner, Taehyung accidentally spilled a glass of water on Jungkook's lap. Jungkook jumped up in surprise, the cold water soaking through his pants.

"I-I'm so sorry!" Taehyung stammered, mortified. "I didn't mean to..."

Jungkook's face turned crimson with embarrassment as he tried to dry himself off with a napkin. The guests around them looked on in surprise, and Taehyung felt like sinking into the floor from shame.

To make matters worse, as they were leaving the dinner, Taehyung slipped on a spilled drink, landing flat on his back with a loud thud. The entire room turned to look at him, and he could feel his face burning with humiliation.

Jungkook rushed to help him up, but Taehyung pushed him away, unable to bear the embarrassment. He quickly got up on his own, brushing off his clothes and trying to regain some semblance of dignity.

As they left the dinner, both Taehyung and Jungkook were silent, lost in their own thoughts. The day had been filled with one embarrassing moment after another, and neither of them knew how to face each other after such humiliation.

After the embarrassing incidents at the dinner, Taehyung and Jungkook retreated to their shared bedroom, the tension between them palpable. Neither spoke a word as they got ready for bed, each lost in their own thoughts and still reeling from the day's humiliations.

As they lay side by side in the darkness, the silence stretched on uncomfortably. Taehyung couldn't shake the feeling of shame from his earlier mishaps, while Jungkook stewed in his own embarrassment from the water spill.

Unable to bear the silence any longer, Taehyung cleared his throat, his voice hesitant. "Um, Jungkook... I'm really sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to spill water on you or cause a scene."

Jungkook remained silent for a moment, his gaze fixed on the ceiling. Then, with a sigh, he finally spoke, his voice soft. "It's okay, Taehyung. Accidents happen."

Taehyung nodded, grateful for Jungkook's understanding. "Thanks," he murmured, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders.

The silence that followed was less tense now, more peaceful. Taehyung found himself drifting off to sleep, the events of the day fading into the background.

But just as he was about to succumb to slumber, he felt a sudden movement beside him. Jungkook shifted closer, their bodies almost touching in the darkness.

"Hey, Taehyung," Jungkook whispered, his voice barely audible.

Taehyung turned to look at him, surprised by the sudden intimacy. "Yeah?"

"I know we've had our differences," Jungkook began, his tone hesitant. "But... I just wanted to say that I appreciate you apologizing. And... I'm sorry too. For snapping at you earlier."

Taehyung's heart skipped a beat at Jungkook's unexpected apology. Despite their rocky relationship, it felt like a small step forward.

"Thanks, Jungkook," Taehyung replied, a small smile tugging at his lips in the darkness. "Apology accepted."

With that, they lapsed into a comfortable silence, their bodies slowly relaxing as they drifted off to sleep, side by side in the same bed. It was a small moment of peace in the midst of their tumultuous relationship, but it was enough to give Taehyung hope that perhaps, just perhaps, they could find a way to make this forced marriage work after all.


The next morning dawned with a semblance of normalcy, but it didn't take long for Taehyung and Jungkook to fall back into their usual pattern of bickering and fighting. As they sat in the living room, Jungkook managed to get hold of the TV remote, much to Taehyung's dismay.

"Hey, give that back!" Taehyung demanded, reaching out for the remote.

Jungkook smirked, holding it just out of Taehyung's reach. "Finders keepers, Taehyung."

Frustrated, Taehyung stood in front of the TV, blocking Jungkook's view. "You can't watch TV if I'm blocking the screen!"

Jungkook's gaze drifted downwards, and Taehyung suddenly became aware of his state of undress, clad only in a towel after his shower. "What are you looking at?" Taehyung snapped, crossing his arms defensively.

Jungkook's smirk widened, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Oh, nothing. Just admiring the view."

Taehyung's face flushed with anger and embarrassment. "You pervert!" he exclaimed, swatting Jungkook's hand away as he snatched the remote back. "I can't believe I'm stuck in this house with you."

The rest of the day passed in a similar fashion, with Taehyung and Jungkook constantly at odds over the smallest things. They argued over chores, fought over the last piece of food, and bickered over what to watch on TV.

Despite their constant clashes, there was an underlying tension between them, a strange sort of attraction that neither wanted to acknowledge. But for now, they were content to continue their petty squabbles, each day bringing new challenges and new opportunities for Taehyung and Jungkook to drive each other crazy.

As the weekend came to an end, Taehyung and Jungkook found themselves back at college, resuming their daily routines. However, there was a noticeable shift in Jungkook's behavior towards Taehyung. Instead of outright hostility, Jungkook began to adopt a more flirtatious attitude whenever they were alone.

In the privacy of empty hallways or deserted classrooms, Jungkook's taunts took on a new tone, laced with suggestive remarks and playful teasing. Taehyung found himself caught off guard by Jungkook's sudden change in demeanor, unsure of how to respond to his advances.

Their marriage remained a secret from the world, known only to their families and a select few. To the outside world, they were just two classmates who happened to share a history of animosity.

But despite their secret arrangement, Jungkook couldn't seem to resist the urge to torment Taehyung whenever they crossed paths. Whether it was a subtle brush of their hands or a lingering gaze, Jungkook's actions left Taehyung feeling flustered and confused.

In the confines of their college campus, Jungkook continued to make Taehyung's life miserable, finding new ways to belittle and humiliate him. Yet, there was an underlying tension between them, a strange attraction that neither could fully understand or acknowledge.

As they navigated through the halls of their college, Taehyung couldn't help but wonder what had sparked this change in Jungkook. Was it genuine interest, or was he simply toying with Taehyung's emotions for his own amusement?

Regardless of Jungkook's motives, one thing was certain – Taehyung's life had become even more complicated now that Jungkook's bullying had taken on a flirtatious edge. And as they faced each new day at college, Taehyung braced himself for whatever new torment Jungkook had in store for him.

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