Chapter 3: After School

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Sam threw his bookbag on the floor in his room.

Sam lays on the bed, looking up at the ceiling.

"Get up." James Bailey came into Sam's room throwing a black bag on his bed.

"The house is a fucking mess-, doesn't matter, Josh is picking you up in an hour to drop you off at some rich kid party.

We all know those little rich brats love spending their allowance on drugs." James Bailey looked around his room disgustingly.

"I'll clean the house before he gets here." Sam sighed, getting up once his dad left

Sam started to clean quickly.

Sam quickly got to the kitchen before Josh pulled up 10 minutes early.

"What's up, little man!" Josh patted his shoulder after greeting his dad, who's drinking on the couch.

"HI Josh," Sam said quietly.

"Change into these clothes so you don't look like a random ass hobo at the party." Josh threw him a white bag of some clearly expensive clothes.

Sam looked at his dad with slightly big eyes, he's dad gave his approval to wear the clothes.

So Sam ran off to the bathroom to shower, fix his curles, and put on black jeans, white air forces, white shirt, and a black Essentials hoodie.

"Let's go, Josh," Sam grabbed the black bag and headed to Josh car.

The music was loud, rich white kids were smoking and drinking, dancing, and clearly going to different areas to hook up.

"You know the drill," Josh said as he drove off, leaving Sam.

Sam signed as he walked past some rich kids before he could get into the door he stoled some stuff. By the time he got into the door, he was counting the cash he got.

'10,25,40,,, 60,100,120,130, damn' Sam smiled a little as he pocketed the money safely.

"Heyy blondie!" Sam sighed, not surprised at Lily being here.

"Hey Li," Sam hugged Lily.

Okay, okay, Sam knows he came here for one thing, but he got carried away.

Sam's can barely walk after drinking so much and using some of the supplies he was supposed to sell.

'Oh shit, I'm dead when I get home.'

Sam didn't care, though. He never did when he was on something.

"I don't think this party is a good idea, Cara," Sam heard slightly, that voice sounded familiar.

Sam was leaning against the wall, barely able to walk, but he was loving the high.

"Oh, Z-zak! Over here!" Sam slured yelling over the music.

Zak turned smiling at Sam, but his smile disappeared as he saw the state of Sam.

Zak walked over to him, Cara not far behind.

"What happened to you?" Zak helped the younger boy sit down, Zak checked his eyes.

"Are you high?!" Sam giggled at Zak overreacting.

"O-only a little, just a little. I think the drinking did the work. " Sam started zoning out playing with the boy in Blue's hair.

"Oh shit, Cara, can you.....shit where'd she go?" Zak looked around for Cara, but she was gone.

Zak pulled away from Sam, playing with his hair, earning a whimper.

Zak called someone, then 10 minutes of waiting, and Sam ran off from Zak to get more drinks and sell some more while Zak couldn't find him.

"Let's go," Zak took the drink from him, he was stress the fuck out. He drowned the rest of whatever Sam was drinking, then dragged him outside into the backseat of the car and closed the door.

"Thanks, darrly, for picking us up," Zak got into the passager seat.

"No problem, What happened to this muffin?" Darrly started driving to his house.

"Nothing," Zak clearly lied, He looked at Sam, who sat up rubbing his head and started searching the car.

"I need snakes," Sam groaned, looking around.

"Zak, are you sure it wasn't something he drank?" Darrly looked at him knowingly.

Zak didn't answer. Once they got the Darrly's house, Sam laid on Darrly's bed, Zak threw himself on the bed, tired as ever.

Zak saw cash sticking out Sam's pocket.

"What's all the cash about?" Zak asked. Sam rolled over to look at Zak.

"For my dad and Josh," Sam mumbled, put the money away safely.

Sam fell asleep shortly, Darrly came in with two mugs of hot chocolate.

"You okay?" Darrly handed Zak the mug.

"Yeah, it's just - never mind, I'm probably just overthinking like always," Zak looked away, sipping his hot chocolate.

Darrly rubbed his shoulder. "Whatever I is, I'm sure you have a good reason to think it over."

Zak and Darrly smiled at each other for a bit.

"Turn off the lights and go to sleep," Sam  said, sleepy annoyed.

Zak and Darrly giggled, turning off the light. All three of them slept in the same bed, falling asleep quickly.

Words: 800

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