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The morning light crept through the windows, its golden rays gradually illuminating the room and signaling the dawn of a new day. Yoongi's eyes slowly flickered open as he woke from his slumber, a groan escaping his lips as he pushed himself up into a sitting position. He ran a hand through his tousled hair, the night before's events replaying in his mind like a broken record.

As Yoongi rose from his makeshift bed on the couch, his body felt stiff and sore from the uncomfortable night's sleep. But despite the physical discomfort, his thoughts remained fixated on the memory of Areum's betrayal. The anger and disappointment he had felt the previous night still lingered, gnawing at his heart like a persistent ache.

With a heavy sigh, Yoongi raked his fingers through his disheveled hair once more and rose from the couch, his body screaming in protest. He had a long day ahead of him, and he couldn't afford to let his personal problems distract him from his responsibilities. But as he stood there, his thoughts still clung to the memory of the betrayal, weighing heavily on his heart and threatening to disrupt his concentration throughout the day.

Areum fussed over Yoonwoo, straightening the wrinkles on his uniform and adjusting his backpack on his small shoulders. Her fingers trembled slightly as she tucked a stray lock of hair behind his ear, a mother's tender touch mixed with a tinge of nervousness.

Areum couldn't help but feel a knot of worry in her stomach as she watched Yoonwoo fidget with anticipation by the doorway. This was the first time he would be walking to school all by himself, and the thought filled her with a mixture of pride and trepidation.

Areum crouched down to Yoonwoo's level and gave him a tight hug, her heart swelling with a mix of emotions. "Be careful and listen to your teacher, okay?" she said gently, a small smile playing on her lips.

Yoonwoo nuzzled his face into her chest, savoring the warmth and comfort of his mother's embrace. "I will, Mamma," he replied, his voice muffled by her shirt. Areum held him close for a moment longer, cherishing the bond they shared before reluctantly releasing him.

Jiwoo had always been Yoonwoo's biological mother, a fact that Areum was painfully aware of each time she looked into the boy's innocent eyes and saw the resemblance to her former partner. Despite the pain she felt, she had done her best to love and raise him as if he were her own, pouring her heart and soul into her role as a mother. But the truth remained a constant shadow looming over their relationship, no amount of pretending could change that.

Sometimes, when Yoonwoo called her "Mamma," a bittersweet feeling settled in her chest. She knew she didn't deserve the title, not really, but hearing it filled her heart with warmth and made her feel a sense of belonging she had never experienced before. The love she felt for the child was profound, even though their connection was built on a foundation of pretense and lies.

Areum had always believed that love was what made a family, but sometimes she couldn't help but wonder if that was enough. Were her efforts to be a mother to Yoonwoo truly genuine, or was she simply deluding herself into believing she was worthy of that title? The weight of her doubts and fears weighed heavily on her heart, leaving her questioning her own worth and the nature of the bond they shared.

The sound of approaching footsteps broke Areum's train of thought, and as she snapped out of her reverie, her gaze fixed on Yoongi, who strode purposefully towards them. His expression was unreadable, and she couldn't tell if he was about to reprimand Yoonwoo or issue a scathing remark.

The memory of the previous night's events filled her mind once more, and she felt the heat of embarrassment wash over her once more. The weight of Yoongi's disappointment weighed heavily on her shoulders, and she found herself unable to meet his gaze, her eyes cast down in shame.

Scars of the Past, Echoes of Abuse | 18+ MYG x READER | PART 1Where stories live. Discover now