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Inside her hut, the witch sat in front of an old wooden desk, the same one her mentor gave her when she was an apprentice, and that was once owned by her mentor's mentor. A similar fate has met the hut itself, along with everything in it, including the grimoires, the wands and staffs, the cauldron, the rest of the furniture, the cooking equipment and even the very robes the witch was wearing on that exact day.

The witch grumbled and growled as she leaned over a grimoire atop her desk and cussed. She finished reading a sentence and waved her wand. Nothing happened. She waved it again. Still nothing. She looked at the sentence again, waved her wand again and...

The wand only let out a small flicker of light, which faded out instantly. The witch bit her lip. She sat quiet for a moment, staring wide-eyed at her wand, and let out a frustrated scream.

The next day, she read the entire chapter again, and found a crucial part she missed before:

Equipment and Materials Needed
a wand
a voice
and a piece of lunarstone

"Lunarstone!" she thought, "that's why I can't cast this spell! ...what's lunarstone?"

And so, the witch scoured her shelves. She took out dozens of book, slimmed through hundreds of chapters, and turned thousands of pages, day in and day out, repeating the cycle of open-skim-close-repeat until, eventually, after many days cooped up in her hut surrounded by piles of books, she found it:

This brilliant gemstone is defined by its metallic texture and light gray color. It is found on the coast of  Moonlight Island, where the moon shines brightest. Lunarstone is called such because it is known to absorb moonlight.

The witch knew what she had to do. She filled a burlap sack with clothes, rations a map, her favorite wand, two spare wands, and the two grimoires she needed, meaning the one with the spell and the one with a subsection about lunarstone.

She rented a small rowboat and traveled the sea for three days and three nights, only stopping at civilized islands on occasion to restock on supplies and to rest. On the third night, after she survived a merciless storm and fought off hungry sharks, she had finally arrived at Moonlight Island.

The witch docked her boat and carried her sack onto the sand. As the tides waved back and forth over the sand and the witch's feet, the ground radiated a bright golden glow that competed with the full moon for attention. However, it wasn't the entire ground that was glowing, but whether dots scattered throughout the beach.

The witch kneeled, dug through the sand, and found it. With a victorious grin on her face, she picked up a metallic gray pebble which glowed with golden light.

With the lunarstone in hand, she waved her wand and said the magic words one last time. The lunarstone broke up into particles that flew up into the night sky to form all sorts of images. Animals, places, people, abstract shapes, and everything else that can possibly exist, all accompanying the stars and moon. It was a sight to behold, one the witch was proud to have come and created.

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