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" I have to tall you, I am quiet surprised. when you said you wanted to celebrate your birthday!" I and both were surprised and looked at p'faye when khun freen sat down and said this.

" today is your birthday p'faye?" I asked being surprise that I was.

" humm." she hummmed in her usual manner.

" and why are you so surprise? Can't I celebrate my birthday?" p'faye looked at khun freen with death stare.

" of course you can. it's just you never do that. and this time your students" said khun freen.

she looked a bit uneasy and then said," I didn't wanted to make her feel her alone. she is new here. She shouldn't live here alone." said p'faye.

the environment was getting heavier. so becky came to rescue and said," good thing we brought gifts!!!!" she said while fake smiling.

" humm!" I said. Somehow I was feeling sulky shouldn't she at least give me a hint before inviting me to her birthday party so I can pick a appropriate gift for her.

khun freen also gave her a gift, good thing becky reminded me to buy a gift as a thank you for inviting us on dinner.

" you two didn't needed to buy me a gift." said p'faye smiling. she is even smiling at my cousin not me. I was the one choose the gift.

I focused on my eating while becky focused on her eye contact contest with khun freen. I didn't talked much this evening. instead of asking p'faye decided to ignore me.

we didn't talked that day anymore. I didn't knew why I was angry. She was  gentle enough to invite me to her birthday, but cruel enough to not let me know before hand. I could've made her day a little bit better.


on the other hand in the stuff room of college the tell about faye inviting a student over her cullegues was spread.

" guess who just wasted his whole life chasing a girl that doesn't give a shit about what he things." said one teasing chet.

chet just took a deep sigh.
" let me get some air." said chet pushing one out of his face.

" she loves me." said chet.

" didn't even invited you to her birthday party. " said one,

" she most probably thought I was busy. so.."

" Delulu"
" I will kill you" said chet pointing at one, meanwhile faye entered the stuff room.

" Good morning!" said faye being in a good mood.

" someone's in good mood?" said one.

faye just shyly smile.

" happy birthday!" said chet with hi teeth clenched.

" huh! how did you know?" faye said being a bit surprise.

" you don't have a social media account so he follows your cousin's insta. she updated a story tomorrow." said one smiling

" freen!" faye sighed ," and what?" said faye in her serious face.

" nothing! it's just I have been your friend for years and it today that I know about your birthday. and a student knew that before me." said chet sulking.

" don't make this wired chet. My birthday is like any other day. no need to make this something else." Said faye with a serious face.

" I know you don't like to celebrate your birthday. I am just little bit disappointed that you invited a student but not me. With whom you have a special relationship." Said chet looking at faye with teary eyes.

" Umm! What relationship? What special relationship?" Faye said rasing her eyebrow in anger.

" Faye! You know! We are... friends for a long time. You should've atleast respected that. Well then all of these years of being together you don't even trust me enough to invite me to your birthday party. It's not like we can't afford gifts." Said chet.

" Don't bring me into this." Said one instencely looking at chet.

" Chet! It's wasn't a big deal. Freen wanted to meet me and it happened to be my birthday total co-incidence. And about the student she lives in my house as a tenant. The maid didn't came and I was eating out so I invited her. Not a big deal." Said faye.

" It's okay. You don't have to explain anything. It's not like we are close anyways!" Chet picked up some documents and left.

" Is he gonna cry?" Asked faye to one.

" Looks like it." Said one.

" Oui! He is such a baby!" Said faye.


Faye came home late with lots on groceries..

Yoko saw faye getting in with handfuls of groceries so yoko ran to help.

" Wow! P'faye! Looks like a big party is coming." Said yoko taking some bags from faye's hands.

" Yeah! Not big enough. But three people are coming. " Explained faye.

Then she put the groceries on the coffee table and sat on the sofa.

Yoko put them into the kitchen one by one.

" Are you going to cook all of those?" Asked yoko

" I am planning to!" Said faye.

" I will help!" Said yoko excitedly.

" Don't you have to study?" Asked faye worried.

" No! I already did that."said yoko smiling.

Watching yoko smiling so brightly faye couldn't help but smile and say," well then let's go."

" When are your party coming p'faye?" Asked yoko.

" At 8" said faye.

" It's 6 pm already! We need to hurry then." Yoko said with a bigger smile.


Two of them cooked together.

After they were finished yoko couldn't contain her curiosity anymore and asked," p'faye! Don't mind me asking but why are they coming to your place? You don't look like you party a lot."

" No I don't! But my stupid cousin posted about us dining together and some of my friends saw it and they were jealous. So I invited them" said faye.

" Friends? From college?" Asked yoko.

" Umm" faye said. Then stared at yoko like remembering something.

" When did we became so close?" Asked faye.

Yoko's smile went away. Then she seriously looked at faye who was okay answering questions but looked angrily at yoko.

" P'faye I.."

" Go to your room. And don't come out until it's dinner time." Said faye.

Yoko stood up quickly and ran to her room before saying," okay mam!"

" Close the door!" Said faye.

Yoko closed the door.

Faye kept staring at the closed door remembering something before breaking into tears.

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