Chapter 5

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"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry," the guy said, immediately calling the waiter for some napkins. I took a step back, slightly tilting my body to prevent the drink from further staining my clothes. He hurriedly returned with the napkins, attempting to gently pat my shirt dry. My face turned crimson with embarrassment. Finally, he stopped, realizing my discomfort, and apologized again. "I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to-" he started to say, but quickly distanced himself from me.

"No worries," I replied, flashing a charming smile.

"Maybe it's just the universe's way of telling me I should have stayed home today after all."

"What do you mean?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Well, I'm not really the type to go out and party," I explained.

"I don't understand why you wouldn't," he paused, his gaze lingering on me once again. "You're absolutely stunning. You should embrace your looks and show the world your beauty."

"Thanks" I said, trying my best to contain my excitement. It has been ages since I've been completely by a guy. It feels good. As he extended his hand towards me, he introduced himself, saying, "By the way, I'm Darren. But I must admit, I don't usually have the pleasure of spilling drinks on such beautiful girls."

With a gentle shake of his hand, I introduced myself, saying, "I'm Layla." His response made my heart skip a beat.

"Wow! A gorgeous girl with an equally gorgeous name," he exclaimed. I couldn't help but smile at his charming words. He's a charmer alright, the guy definitely knows how to play the game. He then gestured towards the bar and asked, "Can I get you a drink? I feel like I owe you one for spilling my drink on you." We both bursted into laughter, catching me off guard. I was just about to turn down his invitation, as I had promised Chloe I would return soon. However, her words from earlier echoed in my mind, "We are young sexy baddies that are lacking male attention.", and Darren seemed to be hinting that he was into me so maybe I should take him up on his offer.

"Umm. Actually yes you can". I walked over to the bar and took a seat next to Darren. He waved the bartender over and ordered another beer before turning to me, "And Layla, what can I get you?"

"Oh, I'll take a-" I paused for a moment, my mind drawing a blank. I don't really know any other drink besides the usual beer, whisky, or shots. Not wanting to go for another shot, I told the bartender "Surprise me." The bartender turned to the back and began making our drinks.

"Do you mind telling me a little bit about yourself?" Darren asked, a hint of shyness in his smile.

I turned towards him slightly, teasingly responding, "What if I prefer to keep it a mystery?"

"Well, in that case, I'll respect your privacy," he replied, his expression shifting slightly.

I chuckled, "I'm just kidding" The bartender came back with our drinks, presenting me with my surprise drink. "Here's a special treat for you, miss. It's my signature strawberry daiquiri with a touch of orange." I thanked him with a smile, feeling excited to try it. Darren looked on with curiosity, clearly intrigued by the colorful drink in front of me. As I took a sip, the refreshing flavors danced on my taste buds, making me appreciate the bartender's creativity even more.

"How is it?" Darren said.

"Wow this looks delicious, thank you".

I took another sip. The drink was fantastically made, it was strong but the strawberry and orange flavor complemented the alcohol that was in it well.

"It's really good. Here, try it!" I exclaimed, not even realizing that I was offering a sip to someone I had just met.

"Uh, Are you sure?" he hesitated, looking at the drink in my hand.

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