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"You were amazing as always, Miss Y/n."

The moment the door to the dressing room opened, you met your maid who welcomed you into the room.Again, she praised you with the words she always said, but it was of no value ....

After all, what could emotion and admiration look for in the words spoken by a coded robot?

That's why you just hummed at what she said and put the violin you were holding back into its case. Even if you didn't look at her, your maid's eyes were on you.When you turned your eyes towards her, she instantly closed her eyes. But you still saw her sad look.

Choosing not to speak, you turned back to your front and pulled the zipper of the violin case with a light movement.

You were already used to everything that was going on and this life of yours.While people always love you and shout your name with admiration... 

You were always alone on that stage. You felt lonely.

In life, your Mother and Father always told you that there would be a price for your actions.You didn't realize this until you started feeling lonely.

You were born into a rich family and your family ruled the planet you were on. And you grew up with the rules your family forced on you when you were little.

According to them, there was no way to bond with anyone or be friends. In any case, you couldn't talk to people from the public or interact with them as you wish.

Still, you enjoyed sneaking out every once in a while and wandering around freely. You faced harsh punishments many times, but you were still so depressed that you wanted to go out.

Since you were little, you would look out the window of the palace and watch the birds in the sky. You wanted to be able to be outside as freely as them and do whatever you wanted...

You always had questions in your mind that could never be answered.Talking to someone, trying other things or being friends. Or love? How would you love a person, how would you feel?

Once, when you were little, you tried talking to a maid and managed to learn a few things, but...

That's why you didn't expect her to be hanged in front of you. Your parents did it in the garden of the palace to set an example for everyone and you.Then you understand...

You could never be like those birds flying in the sky. Because your wings were cut off by your parents and you were put in a cage

Not only that, but you haven't spoken to anyone since that day. You couldn't sleep at night, every night, every time you laid your head on the pillow, the pillow was always wet. You cried quietly so your family wouldn't hear you. You can never make noise...

You wondered, you always wondered. Why?

Why did there always have to be these prohibitions? Why couldn't he do what his parents did? Was this fair?

The answers were very quick and left you speechless. 

They said that once you ascend to the royal throne, you'll never need feelings or friends. And it's all just a waste of time.

And her last words closing the subject were enough to bring tears to your eyes.

"Everything is for your good"


The way the maid stood there silently and just looked at you without saying anything made you uneasy.

You took a tired breath and headed towards the door, wearing clothes that hid your identity.The way the maid stood there without making a sound and just stared at you without saying anything was making you nervous. You frowned, pulled the door handle in anger, took your violin and left quickly.

You feel overwhelmed, lonely, security guards are walking around you, protecting you from any contact. And on the other hand, they were preventing you from mixing with them....

The only place you could go was a hotel room where there was a lot of security and a lot of precautions. Your parents had booked a hotel room close to the stage so you could get to your shows quickly.

You would go to the only place you could go, with fast steps and rapid breathing. These emotions that had accumulated inside you were overflowing...

You had to get used to it, but you didn't know why you felt these things. Or you deceived yourself by thinking that you always got used to it... 

When you reached your room, you slammed the door open and entered without even allowing the security to open it for you.In anger, you threw the violin on your arm somewhere and threw yourself on your bed without even taking off your clothes.

Your tears, mixed with the anger you had been holding inside for a long time, flowed onto the sheets of your bed. All the sounds you kept inside turned into sobs and you started to cry.

As she angrily squeezed the sheets even more, the same voice was always echoing in her head.

"I can't cope"


~To be continued~

Love is hidden the notes | Hsr | Kafka x  Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now