Chapter 6

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When Steve and Bucky escaped after the battle with Tony in Siberia, Bucky didn't talk much. I mean, he didn't talk much to begin with. But he was more quiet than usual. As Steve flew us to Wakanda, he told me everything that had happened. My heart hurts for both of them. I could only imagine how angry and upset Tony was. And I couldn't even begin to understand how hard it must have been for Steve to fight his friend, for his friend. Our team was totally torn apart; and all over one person.

Steve deemed we should all go into hiding until it was safe for us to return to normal life. Whatever sort of normal life we could have. He told the team that he had planned to bring Bucky to Wakanda where he would get the attention and technological help that he needed to fully erase the Winter Soldier.
After lots of pleading and begging and best friend coercion, plus approval from King T'Challah, I came with him. And I was thankful because as I found out, today I would have to say goodbye to Bucky.

"You're sure about this?" Steve questions as both of us stand in a lab, Bucky sitting on a medical table. Bucky gets quiet and looks sad as he responds, "I can't trust my own mind." His eyes look wet as he looks at us, like he's fighting back tears. He then takes a breath and continues, "So until they figure out how to get this stuff out of my head, I think going back under is the best thing." Steve slowly nods his head.

As Bucky rises from the table, I walk over to him, put my hand on his chest, rise on my toes a little, and place a gentle kiss on his cheek. He's a friend of Steve's. We risked our lives and friendships for him. And to me, he's supposed to be someone more special. But our time will have to wait. I slowly pull away, and walk backwards away from the table, standing behind Steve a bit. Bucky touches his cheek, but doesn't say anything.

Steve and I walk away from the medical room as they freeze Bucky in a cryo chamber and we find a view of the mountains and city. A few moments later, T'Challah appears next to us.
"Thank you for this." Steve says.
"Your friend and my father, they were both victims. If I can help one of them find peace..." the King pauses
"You know, if they find out he's here, they'll come for him." Steve warns as he looks at T'Challah.
"Let them try." He responds in kind.
"Your Highness..." I speak up as I turn to Steve and him. "With your permission, and my Captain's, I'd like to remain here. I wish to help as well, as a thank you." Steve looks at me in disbelief. "I don't want to be such a burden to the team anymore." Steve begins to open his mouth; I can assume to say that I'm not a burden. I hold up my hand to stop him and continue,
"I want to be worthy to officially be a part of the team, some day." I smile at Steve. "Besides, it's only fair to offer my assistance in return for everything they are doing." I looked at T'Challah hopefully, the question hanging in the air. After a long moment, he nods his head. "You may stay here, and my people will train you. In return, you will help us in the areas that we request." I nod my head in acknowledgement, elated. I then turn to Steve. It will be so hard to be away from him, for such an undetermined amount of time. I walk over to him and give him one of the longest hugs I've given him in a long time. I feel him hug me tight and I feel him lean his cheek against my head. Once we draw away from each other, he gives me a smile.
"I will miss you." He finally says out loud.
"Hey, don't get all sappy on me now. I'm not dying or anything. You'll see me and Bucky again before you know it." I giggle a little as I pull out from his hug a little. I give him the biggest smile to reassure him, and myself, that it will all be okay.

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