𝐔𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐩𝐭. 𝟐 - 𝐉. 𝐁. 𝐑.

45 1 9

John B Routledge × Y/N Carrera 

(Y/N is Kiara's twin sister, AKA a made up character who only exists in this story)

Summary: When Y/N Carrera  tells her parents about the new kid she is having they are horrified. Y/N is kicked out of the house leaving her and John B on their own, but conflict strikes up when Y/N is working a shift, and runs into Rafe and Topper.

(2 days had passed since part 1)

I wiped off counters and tables quickly trying to pass time. My shift at the Beach club was almost over then I could finally go back to the chateau. 

"Can you refill table 3?" I looked up to see my manager handing me a pitcher of water. 

"Yeah, sure." I shrugged. I grabbed the pitcher and walked over to the table, I sighed when I saw Topper, Rafe, and Kelce. The 3 of them were getting lunch. 

"Hey, Y/N." Rafe smirked. 

"Hello, Rafe." I sighed. I reached for Kelce's water cup and fill it to the top again. I set it back down gently careful not to spill then I reached for another cup.

The Cameron's have always been close with my family. They were always very nice until me and Kie started to hang out with John B, JJ, and Pope. They became disapproving. Since the Cameron's were always so close to us I guess Rafe thought of himself as an older brother. I hated it, he always tried to taunt me whenever I was with the pouges.

"How have you been?" Topper asked me. I was honestly very surprised they were being so nice, but I knew something was up. 

"Uh.. good." I replied, furrowing my brows.

"Oh, nice." Kelce snickered. I nervously nodded in response. I reached for the last cup trying to quickly fill it up so I could get out of here. 

"Y/N, I have a question." Rafe said. I froze and waited for him to say something. 

"I don't wanna start any rumors or anything, but I heard John B got you pregnant. Is that true?" Topper said.

I froze and my face started to heat up, "N-no. Where did you hear that from?" 

Rafe grinned, "It doesn't matter where we heard it from. I just wanted to check from Y/N Carrera herself to see the truth. I mean, you would never lie to us, right?" 

I stayed frozen in pace, I was sure my face looked like a tomato. 

"Right, Y/N?" 

I glanced down at my watch and saw it was 2:00. I set down the last glass of water. 

"Right." I nodded. I scurried out of there so quickly. I rushed into the kitchen and set the pitcher of water, then let my manager know my shift was over and I was heading home. 

I walked out to the front of the restaurant and pulled out my phone. 

John B usually picked me up from work because I don't have a car.  I dialed John B's number and the phone rang. He picked up on the 2nd ring. 

"Hey, babe." He greeted. I sighed. 

"Hi. On your way?" 

"Yeah just give me like another 5 minutes. I'm sorry." 

"It's ok." 

There was a small silence on the line.

"I'll see you in a little." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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