Chapter 1

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I ran as fast as my paws could carry me. I was panting hard when I stopped and looked around to make sure he wasn't around me. He was nowhere to be seen but I refused to let my guard down. Suddenly I was tackled to the ground, a completely black wolf stood on top of me.

'I got you Alaina!' He said through our mind link. I struggled to get up but I nipped his neck and he whined in pain. I jumped on him and pinned him down this time.

'No you don't!' I replied. We wrestled around for a couple minutes until we both grew tired. We panted as we made our way to the river for a drink. I kept my eyes on his bronze ones as we gulped down water. When we finished he bit my tail and flung me into the river. I yelped in shock of the cold water and the pain in my tail. I climbed out of the river, shivering and gave him a glare as cold as the snow on the ground.

'Did you like your bath?' he sneered. He raced over and pinned me down on the ground.

'Carlos I'm going to fucking kill you!' I snarled. He just rolled his eyes and hopped off me. When his back turned I bit his back right leg and swung him into the river. He splashed around for a few seconds but finally climbed on the bank. I sneered at him as he shook off and shivered at the cold.

We both walked over to a large rock where we had cloaks waiting there. Carlos shifted first and swung a cloak to cover himself, then he grabbed mine and put it over me, fastening it at my neck. I then shifted to my human form, my bones snapping and cracking in place. I stood up, wrapping my cloak around me to keep my body warmth in. My long, jet black hair was wet, already freezing and so was Carlos's. We smiled at each other and looked over each other, checking for wounds. Carlos had a welt on his neck and some blood going down his ankle and I had some bruises down my sides and back.

"Damn Sis," Carlos stated, "Your getting too rough with me!" I giggled and gave him a sly smile.

"Have you seen the bruises on my back and sides? I won't be able to lie down for a week!" I exclaim. We both walked back to our cottage that was on the edge of the woods. We nudged each other from time to time and talked about how cold we were.

"I swear Carlos if I get hypothermia because of you, you will regret it!" I said in mock aggression. He laughed at me.

"How are going to make me regret it when your dying from hypothermia?" He asked. I rolled my eyes at him and gave him a smirk.

"I'll ask the moon goddess to curse you of course!!" His smile faltered for a split second but he regained his composure quickly.

"Ooh," he said in mock fear, "so scary!" We both laughed for a while then continued walking.

"You know we'll get there faster as wolves right?" I said. He smiled and looked towards me, I knew that was a yes. I covered my eyes as he dropped his cloak and shifted. A handsome black wolf with bronze eyes now stood in his place. Carlos turned around and I dropped my cloak and shifted. I grabbed my cloak with my mouth and began to run forward, Carlos was closely behind. He decided to tackle me from behind and I fell on my face.

'Dammit Carlos!' I yelled through our mind link.

'What, you just happened to be in my way!' he said innocently. I dropped my cloak and returned the favor, I was stronger than my twin and was able to pin him to the ground.

Suddenly a scent of mint and chocolate was every where. My ears pricked up and I looked around, trying to find the source of the smell. It was so strong and delightful it could only mean one thing, my mate was near.

Carlos saw my distraction and took advantage of it, he nipped my chest and dragged me to the ground, standing on me. I was taken by surprise and his bite hurt a little bit. I yelped in pain as he held me to the ground, I began to struggle furiously but he stood there.

Suddenly there was a growl coming from the left side of Carlos. Before he could turn to look at where the growl came from there was a flash of silver that knocked Carlos to the ground. I quickly got up to see a massive silver wolf fighting my brother. I ran over to see blood on the ground, I lunge at the silver wolf and got him off Carlos. The wolf growled and attacked me, he bit my front paw and then got me on the ground. I whined at the pain then looked the wolf strait in it's golden eyes. I braced myself for the pain that he would give me but nothing happened. The smell of mint and chocolate was even stronger now, it was coming from the strange wolf. He got off and shifted into his human form. I closed my eyes to avoid getting scarred for life.

"Shift into your human form dear." he commanded. I snarled at him in return to his request. He let out a deep growl and walked over to Carlos.

"Do it or he dies!" He yelled.

'No Alaina, don't do it!' Carlos warned me through our link. Carlos jumped up and bit the man on his hand and bolted off to the house before the man could chase after him. The guy growled in frustration and walked over to Carlos's cloak, covering himself in it.

"You can look now." he said. I looked up at him and was shocked at who was standing there. It was The Alpha king's son, Aspen. I knew Aspen as being ruthless, killing everyone who would stand in his way. How did I get him as a mate? I gave him another snarl and looked away.

"You know who I am. Good. Then you know you have to obey my command." he stated. I still didn't shift or even move, just continued to ignore him. He growled even louder, causing my wolf to cower a little, but I still didn't shift. He walked over and grabbed my cloak and covered me in it.

"Now shift!" I looked up at him and then began to shift. My bones cracked into place and then I was sitting there in the snow. He went to touch my face but I quickly got him in the royal jewels and punched his face, knocking him out.

I then began to sprint as fast as I could back home.

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