The fall

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This chapter is short but I hope to be updating soon! The pic is Greed from FMA grinning but it's supposed to be Micat XD
I tried to struggle. I really did, but every move I made sent searing fire through my whole body. I'd never felt so helpless

They dragged me to The Edge a crowd followed. They were all cheering. They were glad I was being executed! My "friends" walked as close to my guards as possible, they didn't miss any chance to sneer my way or get in a blow along with everyone else.

I was dragged to the Edge. Everyone was shouting insults at me. The judge came forward with my parents. They talked about how this was the right thing to do, how I wasn't one of them, how this was what the king would have wanted. What a pile of minotaur dung. They acted like they were sad to see me go, like they really believed this was the only option.

Without much further ado they chucked me off my home like the pile of trash they believed me to be.  I felt Betrayed. Everyone I knew believed in these, these lies. Just because I was different from them. Just because of what I look like, not for what I am or who I hung out with. just because I looked different I was persecuted.

The actual fall was quite nice. Once you pass out from the air being sucked out of your lungs by the rest is just dreams.

Right before I blacked out though, I swore I seen With the my consciousness fading I felt a jarring Impact. The pain was immense, my whole body screamed with pain. I was yanked into the dark abyss that I was becoming so accustomed to.
I am so sorry! I wrote this a couple weeks ago but it didn't update.

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