I Befriended Edward Cullen

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I stumbled across the lunch room. Maybe I should just, you know, go hide. It's an option.

People stared at Diana's awkward, and not even half as pretty, sister.

I fell into an empty seat at the edge of the lunch room, and I could feel the tears wanting to spill over.

My first day, and people probably already thought I was a freak.

Diana got up and walked over, great, here comes the lecture.

"Isabella," she muttered, "What did I tell you?"

"To not embarrass you," I looked down, "I'm sorry." The tears were coming.

"You come to my school, and make a fool of yourself. Your actions reflect on me too, you know that, correct?"

"I'm sorry," I repeated. Don't cry. Don't cry.

"You will be," she muttered. She strutted back over to her table, with all of her friends, and people whispered.

I felt my hands shaking. Great. I've only been here a couple of days, and my sister already hates me more than ever.

I shivered at the thought, I wish I was at school with Charlie instead.

I have three siblings, each entirely different.

Charlotte, or Charlie, is currently serving in the USMC, and has been for two years now. She was always nice to me, and helped me around the house.

Diana is my older sister. She's captain of the cheer team, the most loved person anywhere she goes, and can't go anywhere without a full face of makeup. She's a senior in high school.

Allison, or Ally, is the "angel". She's every parents ideal child. She's in the seventh grade, has perfect grades, is athletic, and beautiful. She's the total package. She'll also beat the crap out of anyone who looks at me the wrong way. The only thing "wrong" with her is her anger issues, but they show when someone treats her like crap. That's where I come in.

Then there's me, the forgotten Swan daughter. Isabella, or Bella, the bookworm who's grades are perfect, but fails Phys Ed. I look like trash compared to my sister's.

I felt a tear run down my cheek, what I wouldn't do to have a good friend here. I miss Cara.

I shook my head and finished eating, dumping my tray.

I glanced at my schedule again, Biology. I felt my nose wrinkle but continued to building two.



The new girl walked in, nearly tripped over nothing walking to the seat next to mine.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, looking ashamed.

"For what?" I didn't want this girl to feel sad. I don't know why, but it felt wrong. It just didn't sit right with me.

"I'm an eyesore, I know," she looked down and pulled out a pencil, shifting away from me.

I shook my head, "No." I didn't know what else to say. An eyesore? There's no way she could see herself that way.

She appeared to be an average girl, but something about her drew me in. "I'm Edward Cullen," I said without thinking.

She nodded, "I'm Diana's sister."


She cringed, "I prefer Bella."

I nodded, "I'll remember that. My apologies."

"No, it's quite al-"

The bell cut her off and I shifted my attention to Mr.Banner.

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