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"We're going to La Push, baby!" Eric cheered.

"What?" I asked, was he crazy?

"The beach, come on Bella. This weekend!"

"Umm..I don't know..."

"C'mon Bella! It'll be fun," Angela urged.

I sighed, "I don't know...I have to babysit my sister."

"She's in the seventh grade! She'll be fine," Mike assured.

"Alright, I'm in, I guess," I sighed.

Jessica hit me on the head, "Hey dummy. Edward Cullen's staring at you!"

"What?" I looked at her and she rolled her eyes.

She turned her head, "That way, stupid."

He winked and waved me over, I felt my face heat up. "Well! Go over, see what he wants. Report back tonight!"

She shoved me and I walked over, "Hi."

I could feel Diana glaring daggers into my back. "Hi," he frowned, "No money?"

"Pardon?" did he think I was like broke or something? I am, but, rude.

"Well, you don't have any food."

I shrugged, and looked around, we were standing awkwardly around. "Strictly two meals a day," I shook my head.

"Well, wanna go sit down?" he started walking towards his siblings table and I swallowed.

"We can sit over there if you want," he gestured towards a vacant table in the back and I nodded awkwardly.

He smiled and led me to said table, "So. How are you?"

I stared at him, was he crazy? Just because he was hot, no, just because he thinks he's hot. Doesn't mean he can get away with anything.

I shrugged, playing with my lemonade bottle cap. "You?"

He stared at me, "I'm alright."

"Cool," I muttered.

"What are you thinking?"

"That you're fricking crazy," I mumbled.

In the corner of my vision I could see his siblings, all except Rosalie, chuckling and giggling. Had they heard me? No, that's absurd! Probably laughing at some joke someone made.

"Been called that before," he grinned, "Why are you calling me said name?"

"Because you ignored me for six weeks, and then asked me to sit with you and chat as if we're the closest people you've ever seen."

He stared forward, "It does sound a little silly, doesn't it."

"Yeah, yeah it does," I muttered. I stood up, "If you want to ignore me for over a month. Give me a heads up, k?" I turned around after I walked a couple of feet, "Next time, let the van crush me." I threw my lemonade bottle into the trash bin, and went outside.

To my surprise, he had the nerve to follow me. "What?" I demanded.

"You're right," he whispered, "It was quite rude of me to do that wasn't it?"

I shook my head and he sat across from me. "I'm skipping today, care to join me?"

"Okay, you should probably get some help," I spat.

He chuckled, "Skipping is healthy every once in a while." I shrugged.

"Never skipped a class," I smiled. Wait, why was I giving him this satisfaction? Focus, Bella! I kicked myself and sighed.

"Really?" he sounded like he was filing it away, saving it for later.

"So, care to give me my explanation?"

"," he smiled.

"I've got theories," I smirked, maybe I could get some information out of him that way? His eyes tell me a similar to Penelope's. Penelope was...oh I don't remember. She spent so much time acting human, I can't remember what she really was.

"Tell me," he leaned forward slightly, waiting for my answer.

"Umm, bit by a radioactive spider?"


"No spiders?"

He shook his head.

"No radio activity?"

He shook his head.


"Kryptonite doesn't hurt me either," he grinned, amused. I waited for him to laugh, surprised when he didn't.

"I'm out of ideas, then," I told him. What else was there? Struck by lightning?

"Bella, what if I'm not the hero..." his grin faded into a smirk. "What if I'm, the bad guy?"

"I don't believe it," he frowned, "You're too nice." He rolled his eyes, "Other than ignoring me for six weeks. Honestly, I think Ally missed you more than I did," I teased.

He smiled, "Think I missed her more than I missed you too."

I shrugged, and the bell rang. "See you tomorrow."

"You're going to class?" he sounded offended.

"Well, yeah." I smiled and walked off.



I listened to music and laid back. It was nice, a step out of purgatory. Just for a while.

"Mike stop! I can walk myself!" I heard an echo.

I looked up to see Mike Newton helping a struggling Bella walk, "But, Mr.Banner sai-"

"I don't care what Mr.Banner said!" she yelled. She sat down on a bench, "Just five minutes, please."

"Okay," he mumbled.

Mike said her time was up, and she resisted his help. I chuckled and stepped out of the car, walking over to the poor girl.

"Thanks for getting her to this point, Mike. I'll take it from here," I grinned and he glared.

"I'm alright, Cullen. Thanks," he groaned, "Bella. Just stop resisting!"

"Over my dead body!" she protested. She walked alone, "See? I know how to walk!" She stalked off but tripped.

I sighed, catching her, "Hey."

"I can walk on my own!" she yelled.

"Mike, just go back to class. She's a little too persistent," he rolled his eyes but stormed off.

I picked her up, holding her in my arms, her heat radiating off of her on to me.


I drove her home and we spoke the whole way. When it came time for her to leave, I didn't know if I could take it. We'd made more progress than I thought possible in an hour.

"Can I come in?"

She smiled, "Sure. How long will you be staying?" She slipped out and I followed.

"I don't know. How long am I welcome?"

"Until Ally starts screaming," she muttered.

"Alright," I grinned and we both went up to her room.

She sighed, "Sorry." She turned up the heat and I shrugged, it was indifferent anyways.

She laid on the bed and I returned to my chair, "So, the weekend of the Spring-"

"Not you too!" she moaned.

"Let me finish." she nodded in agreement, "I heard you're going to Seattle that weekend. I was wondering if you had a ride."

"I don't."

"Can I take you?"

"Yeah," she smiled, and her cheeks turned a light shade of pink.

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