Chapter 23

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The door burst open, and in came two people. Those two guys that could take by breath away, but also give it back.

"Hey Princess, ready to go?" Wade asked and kneeled next to me to burn off the ropes that kept me in place in the chair. I nodded and he smirked.

"Guys! I think we got to go." Silvan said and looked out the door. He held onto the doorframe and kept watch as Wade burned off the last rope.

"You kept me waiting long enough." I said and Wade grinned at me. All three of us ran out the door into the all-white corridor. I stopped for a moment to think this through, but Silvan and Wade were already off.

We ran left, and outside the room I had been in laid guards dressed in black. I jumped over them all and ran up alongside Wade. Silvan ran ahead of us and led the way.

What took you so long? I asked Silvan and jumped over another knocked out guard.

Me and Wade don't co-operate. Silvan said and glanced per his shoulder at me. His calming looks hit me like a train as I remembered everything again. The storm inside my head had calmed down to a soft breeze, making me able to think straight.

That room I had been in, it must have some kind of enchantment over it to make my mind dizzy. INET didn't really think when they placed a psychics to read my un-readable mind in there. And they call themselves intelligent.

"This way." Silvan called over to us, and we made a left turn. Wade glanced over at me once in a while, but every time our eyes locked gaze, he looked forward again, almost like he was embarrassed by looking me in the eyes.

"Hey! Stop them!" Two guards further ahead shouted and pointed at us. I looked and Wade and he nodded. Just like I wanted him to, he threw two fireballs at the guards, hitting them in the face. We made another left turn and I could start to feel my lungs ache and burn.

I smiled big and ran a little bit faster as I thought about how a teenager and a young adult could break into a highly protected institute and still bring out yet another teenager unharmed.

What happened in there? Silvan asked and took a right turn.

Matthew happened. I replied shortly, not caring about explaining who Matthew was. Silvan didn't seem to mind though. Maybe he knew Matthew? Silvan had been here his whole life, it wouldn't surprise me if he knew the names of some people around here.

"Not so fast." A manly voice said just as we rounded a corner. Ray stood centimeters away from me, and if Wade and Silvan weren't here so my actions could harm them, I would have strangled Ray on the spot.

"Just let us pass, and I won't burn off that pretty face of yours." Wade threatened and set his fists on fire. The flames licked him all the way up to his elbows, and I was kinda scared his rolled up red flannel shirt would catch fire, but I was of course wrong. Ray sighed and rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry lad, but I don't swing that way." Ray looked at me tiredly and sighed again. I took a step back and he tilted his head, inspecting me. "Now what are we gonna do about you? Huh?"

"Nothing at all, if I were you." Silvan said and protectively held out an arm over my chest. He made me back away as he placed himself closer to Ray.

"Silvan to the rescue. This is starting to get old, don't you think? How about this. If you return to us, I promise I won't do anything to you. But if you stay with these people, and then when you come pleading to me to take you back, I will kill you. Now, when are you planning to come back?" Ray said and Silvan snorted as he rolled his eyes.

"I'm nothing cheap you can just buy over with a deal. I'm a real human being. I am not coming back to INET. Okay?" Silvan asked and raised his chin proudly. I had to admit I admired him deeply for his courage. Well, his courage and all other things about him.

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