No Need To Worry - Fluffshot

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Dib woke up to the sound of a whirring noise of a machine moving. The sound was coming from inside her bedroom. She opened her drowsy eyes and saw a floating green and pink blob hovering above her. Confused on what it was, she went to go grab her glasses and out them on. it took her a second for her eyes to adjust

It was Zim. Her mortal enemy. What did she want at... Dib paused to look over to at his clock. "1:28 AM," Dib said. "What do you want, Zim?"

"Zim... Was simply checking up on you." She said. Dib could still hear how scratchy her voice was, even when she was whispering.

"Why would you check up on me? Nothing's wrong." Dib said.

"I'm just worried..." Zim said, her PAK legs lowering her so she was now sitting next to Dib who was still laying down.

She crawled over beside Dib's shoulder and under the blanket so only her head and a bit of her shoulders peaked out.

Dib scooted over and onto her left side so Zim could have more room to lay down. Zim took this opportunity to turn on her right side and cuddle up next to Dib.

She took her arms and held Zim close. Their warmth radiated off one another.

"Well, I'm okay. You're okay. We're both okay." Dib said, kissing the irken on the forehead.

"I know, Diblene." Zim chuckled, then snuggling into the chest of her enemy.

Her friend.

Her girlfriend.

A/N: If you guys want more genderswap ZaDR oneshots, you can request here. I hope you enjoyed this oneshot.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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