001 || Awkward

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Summer camp was over, only leaving Roxanne with one more month of summer. And oh man was Roxanne excited to go back home. She had her bags packed five hours prior to being pickled up by her mother. Finally, her mother got there.

"Mommy!" Roxanne exclaimed, sprinting to her mother's car, not even saying bye to her camp consolers and "friends." She quickly climbed into the passenger seat, throwing her bag into the backseat.

"Roxy!" Reese, her mother exclaimed back in the same happy tone as she pulled her in for a hug.

"I missed so much. Summer camp wasn't even that good." Roxanne stated, hugging her mom with relief.

"I tried to tell you." Reese joked, giving Roxanne's hair a little kiss.

They both pulled away from the embrace.

"Jordan's been asking about you." She told Roxanne, beginning to drive back into the suburbs and out the woods.

Roxanne's ears perked up. "Yeah. I've missed him too, I wished he'd came with me." She stated, feeling real good she got to see Jordan after being away.

She looked out the window, resting her chin in her hand.


At least 20 minutes passed. Reese finally pulled into the driveway, Roxanne basically jumped out the car.

"I'm gonna go see Jordan, ma!" She called to Reese, running across the street to Jordan's house.

He must be home, his bike was up front anyways.

She was just about to knock ob the door but, heard a familiar voice behind her..

"Hey, Roxy! You didn't tell me when you were going to be home." Jordan stated, about to pull Roxanne in for a hug but was softly poked by something, two actually.

Roxanne was still unaware that Jordan had noticed the change. She hugged him anyways, "I missed you!" She exclaimed.

He was a bit caught off guard but hugged her back, it felt weird but not too weird.

That was new.

He thought to himself, as he pulled away after hearing her giggle.

"I missed you too, girl"

They both noticed something; Jordan being taller than Roxanne now when they used to always be the same height.

"You've gotten taller..?" Roxanne grinned playfully, teasing him, as she was always.

"Heh, and you've gotten.."

Jordan thought for a second before smirking, deciding not to say it, unless he wanted to get slapped.

Roxanne rolled her eyes with a small laugh, she probably would've slapped him if he had actually had said it anyways.

He stuck his tongue out at her, playfully. Jordan's mom, Darcy opened the door, holding a tray of freshly made cookies.

"Hello, Roxy! It's nice to have you over for the summer..oh, you've grown!" She also noticed that Roxanne was starting to develop in female ways.

"Hi, Miss Phillips." Roxanne giggled shyly, kinda embarrassed that everyone had noticed her "assets" grew over the past two months.

"Thank you?" Roxanne stated, almost a question, unsure if it was a compliment.

Mrs. Phillips laughed softly.

"You look gorgeous sweetheart." She smiled at Roxanne, she looked back at Jordan and handed him the tray of fresh out of the oven cookies, giving him a knowing look and a slight smile.

He took the tray of cookies.

"I'll let you guys catch up." Mrs. Philips said, heading back into the kitchen to clean up from baking. Mrs. Phillips laughed softly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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