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Song of the Chapter: "You're Losing Me (From The Vault)" by Taylor Swift

Jade's POV

Maybe she's just having a bad day, I thought. Or maybe she forgot it or something. I don't think I have to worry about it. I turned around and walked over to my locker where Emily was previously standing, parting the crowd once again. The bell rang, so quickly grabbed my books and walked to my first period, ELA.

⭐️ Time skip to 4th period (Spanish) bcuz we're lazy ⭐️

Spanish is the only class that I have with Emily, so I tried to get a seat next to her. But she just moved to sit next to one of our other friends, McKenna. Weird. My boyfriend, Kyle, walked into the room, so I waved to him and motioned for him to sit in the seat next to me. He looked at me once, pretended not to hear me, and sat in the seat next to Emily. Fuck. What the actual fuck.

Spanish class passes in a blur. In the end, I have a project due in two days, on Friday. I'm assigned partners with a guy named Theo, a new kid who transferred to this school. Rumor has it that his mom is mentally unstable and something happened at his old school. When I looked toward Emily and Kyle when the partners were assigned, I found that they were partnered together. Just my luck. Fuck you, Miss Maria.

The bell rings, so I walk over to my lunch table, surrounded by all my friends. I decide to text Em (that's what I call Emily) to ask her what's wrong since she's sitting with Kyle at a different table. I kind of suspect something going on between Kyle and Em, but maybe that's me being paranoid. I check the time so that I know if she sees the text. 12:01 pm.



Hey Em

I know something's wrong

Read by ✨Em✨at 12:02 pm.

come on, Em

I know you read these texts

just tell me what's going on

You know, you can talk to me. I'm here

Read by ✨Em✨at 12:03 pm.

✨Em✨ has notifications silenced.

You didn't wear your friendship bracelet today, Em

I know when something's wrong

please, Em

Read by ✨Em✨at 12:03 pm.

✨Em✨: Please stop

✨Em✨: Won't you leave me alone?

okay i'll give you some space

just know that i'm here

Read by ✨Em✨at 12:04 pm.

✨Em✨has blocked you.


Emily blocked me. I don't fucking know what to think. Emily blocked me. My best friend blocked me. The only true best friend I've ever had blocked me. I'm so pissed because I know that something is going on between Emily and Kyle. The paranoid part of me knows. I was going to block her. That's what she deserves. But... I'm not going to let this get in my way. I'm going to focus on school and my other friends for once. I realize that I've been so caught up with Emily that I haven't really talked to any of my other friends today.

I deleted Emily's contact. If she's going to ignore me, then I'm going to ignore her back.

A/N hehe the next chapter is done!! 😏😏😏

Did u guys like the phone part? It was done by sophieswiftie!!!

Comments, thoughts, feedback? ➡️

~ those_two_swifties42

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