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Song of the Chapter: "All Too Well (Sad Girl Autumn Version) - Recorded at Long Pond Studios"

Part of this chapter is a kind of, half-mature thing, so you can skip it or read through :)

Jade's POV

I drove all the way to Kyle's apartment. I was nervous and anxious and nervous and nervous. I was a nervous wreck.

I slowly took a step towards his doorway, my hands shaking. I managed to take a few more, until I was standing right in front of it. Beads of sweat trickled my forehead as memories of Kyle came crashing down on me. I swiped the sweat, along with the echoes of happiness, true happiness, away with my forearm. It's hard to believe that those things were very real a few days ago. Now they're like surreal daydreams. 

I took a deep breath. In through the nose, out through the mouth. 

But breathing doesn't help. Words flooded my mind. Should I knock? Should I ring the doorbell? Should I— wait. I normally would barge in, but that time felt different. I didn't know Kyle like I used to. It didn't feel right. 

I knocked on the door, but barely any sound came. I knocked again, a little louder this time. 

No one answered. 

That's when I noticed: the door wasn't locked. I knew that because of all the times me and Kyle kept it closed so we could drunk and nasty. 


I pushed the door open, my eyes adjusting to the darkness inside. It feels like someone was doing something naughty in here—

Oh God. 

Oh God oh God oh God. 

I wish I could unsee what I just saw. 

I would wash my eyes with bleach to unsee that. 

On the floor, were two small piles of clothes. One had an ACDC sweater, black leggings, Nikes, and socks. In the other one was a pair of gray sweatpants, a black hoodie, a white t-shirt, an undershirt, Jordan Airs, and socks. 

My eyes had seen enough. But my brain was curious. So I forced myself to blink back tears and look up at the couch. And I saw— well, you probably know. What do you get when you take two humans of different sex and subtract clothes? That's what I saw. My best friend and my boyfriend were in their undergarments, on top of each other. 

The tears demanded freedom, so they streamed down my cheeks. I wiped them away furiously, my sadness replaced by anger. 

My voice found itself. "What the FUCK?!"

Hey guys :)

Great chapter, huh? 

Very long, compared to the few sentences in the other ones. 

Well, we'll just pretend whatever happened in the story didn't happen, okay? 

Well, see ya! 

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