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It had been about a month or two since Tina confronted or at least tried to confront Mickey.

After that day, everything changed .  .  . and not for the better. Mickey was different, he wasn’t just the head cheerio, he wasn’t just Sue’s number two.   

..Oh no, he was now Mickey, the scary cheerio. The one who could ruin your high school career with a snap of his fingers. The one who for some reason was now making sure everyone in McKinley's life was a living hell.

The kids at McKinley were now living in fear of somehow offending Mickey, making eye contact with him, or talking in his presence. They didn’t want to give him a reason to become angry at them and potentially ruin their reputation because of it.

From the moment he walked into the building, everyone practically bowed down and knew to stay on his good side. This was from everyone, no matter your status at the school. You could be a geek, a goth, a jock or even one of his fellow and loved cheerios.

Even his friends were starting to feel a nervous tick when he was around because this wasn’t their Mickey. This Mickey was cold, blank, and was out to get anyone who stepped in his way.

He was determined to play this role of the ‘villain’ everyone already thought he was.

Who was he to let them down?


“Morning, Sue, Mickey” Will greeted as he walked in the halls and noticed both Sue and Mickey walking together

“Oh, I'm gonna stop you right there,” Sue said, holding her hand out to make him stop,”It's Principal Sue,” she told him, a smug look in her eye as Mickey smirked

“What?” Will questioned, looking at the woman in confusion

“You heard her right,” Mickey commented, his smirk strong in his words as he put his hands on his hips

“My years-long quest for power has finally bore fruit,” Sue continued, her words only confusing Will more

“What happened to Figgins?” Will asked, causing Sue and Mickey to share an eye roll

“You need to start listening to the news, William,” Sue drawled, nodding at Mickey to take over

“A particularly virulent strain of monkey flu has arrived in Ohio from Borneo where it had been festering in a small clutch of loud, bisexual primates not unlike your very Glee Club,” Mickey clarified for him, earning a proud nod from Sue

“But how-how did Figgins get it?” Will asked, his head kind of spinning by having ‘two Sue’s’ in his face

Sue smirked with a small chuckle,”Oh, my mini me has his ways, Will,” she stated vaguely, as she and Mickey shared a look


“I think I have a fever,” Lauren groaned, as Mickey stood behind her with a mask and gloves holding her head in place while principal Figgins started to walk towards them

“Hold it,” Mickey muttered when Lauren began to sneeze, as principal Figgins got closer he moved her head towards him,”Now,”

Lauren then sneezed on the principal as Mickey walked away with a smirk, making his way to report back to Sue

“Sup?” Lauren mumbled, walking away from the freaked principal

*FB ends*

“So Figgins is sick,” Sue told him, her smugness never leaving her

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